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Out of my whole 23 years of existing on this planet, all I've been around is to see is my loved ones die. But now I'm being shown brand new life from siblings I rarely ever talked to, all except one. My oldest brother holds something special that touches my heart. I have never loved, or what furs even call the feeling known as love, which is something I have yet to feel. Right now, and I mean like right now, I am laying in bed with my covers half hanging off the edge as I browse the world of YouTube cause I have nothing better to do; plus I don't work today. I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I push myself to get up and into the shower. "How the mirror reveals what a gross looking wolf mix-mutt thing you are Grey" I mumble to myself, before shrugging at the comment I made and stepping into the shower to start washing myself.

I finish shower and change into some casual clothing before going down to get myself some breakfast as my roommates aren't home since they left to take some sort of vacation. I pour myself a bowl of cereal, nothing exciting happening at all until my phone vibrates. I take a look to see it's just one of my good online friends telling me "Good morning"

I respond back with "Good morning" and a lame picture of my sad bowl of cereal. I finish and place the empty bowl into the sink, before wondering what I should do next until I'm interrupted yet again by my friend; for now let's call him Sam. "That is literally the saddest breakfast ever! Turn on the lights, open those windows! See look at me" I look at the picture of him eating pancakes with his home being bright, and actually happy looking.

"Hey" I say somberly "You should already know that I don't cook, plus it's not even sunny today. All these damn clouds are blocking the sun" I walk over to the couch and sit on the depressing grey cushions. "Also I love it, sooooo deal with it!" I push hard on the send button which brings a smile to my face.

I switch the TV on to some random news channel while thinking how silly and happy he makes me sometimes, but I lose that thought when I realize how far he lives from where I am now. I decide to call my brother, Daniel, and just hope he doesn't work today so that we both can be lazy together.

"Hello? Grey?" I hear him groggily say after he picks up.

"Yep thats me! Now should I go to you, or shall you come here and enjoy this comfy couch with me?" He groans, knowing he hates when I go to his place when it's messy.

"I am too tired for this right now, so just come over; if I fall asleep again then you have a key so let yourself in" I hang up, but before I hit the button I say. "I love you big brother" before walking towards the front door and making my way through some shortcuts I love taking.

I walk up to his door and give it a few knocks, but I know he won't answer so I let myself in and see that for once, his place ain't a mess. "Woah, this place really is spotless" I run a finger down a table to look for some dust, but nothing. "Food!?" I rush to the fridge and pull it open, hoping he stocked up his fridge. And that's when I let out a howl full of delight, but that's also when I hear my brother come down the stairs.

"For the love of GOD GREY! Shut that maw up!" he says while groggily walking down the stairs and rubbing his eyes "My neighbors could hear you in their basement"

I look up at him and begin giggling at his red teddy bear boxers. "Really? You think some girl is going to want you when you wear those to bed?" I bring out some eggs, bacon, and juice before setting them down on the counter..

"I'll have you know that girls love me no matter what! Heck I even get some guys who are staring at me as well" I roll my eyes, he's always full of BS.

"Yeah yeah, I know you're hot, but now can you please be the loving big brother you are and cook me some eggs and bacon. I'm starving" He gives me his classic older brother stare of 'you're old enough to cook for yourself' before he gives in.

"You're lucky I love you so much" He takes out a pan and butter before beginning to cook for the both of us.

"Here you go, princess" He says while setting the plate of eggs and bacon down next to my glass of orange juice.

"Why thank you very much my knight in shining teddy bear armor" I say in a more femanine and sarcastic voice.

"Just eat so you can stop tagging along with the things I say to you"

We finish our plates fairly quickly, and that's when he brings up the question again. "Grey can you please see a therapist. I know I make you feel happy, but we both know that this arrangement can't be perminant" I close my eyes before reopening them. "You need help"

"I know, I know, but trust me, I've been looking around and I think I found someone who I really think I would talk with. But the thing is that the price range is too much for me, and I don't want to pester you with having to pay for me... it's enough that you help pay for my rent with the guys at the house I live in now"

I feel his paws rest on my shoulder, before he bends down and picks me up bridal style. "Right now let's not talk money. Give me his or her name, I'll make a few calls and you'll go to the appointments" I can't stop myself from letting a few tears fall onto his chest. "No no no. Stop those tears" He lays me on the couch before sitting next to me. "You're my baby brother. We are family and I must take care of you. I need to make up for what mom and dad never gave you"

During the time he hugs me close to him, I can't picture anything ruining the moment; and to my surprise, for once in my life nothing does ruin the moment we share.

"You can stay here for the rest of the day and play some games or something, but I have to get to work soon" I sit up and nod my head before grabbing the Xbox controller. "I'll see you later tonight! I'm thinking of making basil pesto pasta with a nice steak"

I have to of course give him a huge hug before he leaves. "Come home safely"

WOAH! I actually made myself write something new! Well, hopefully, you guys like how this starts!

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