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I wake up to my brother giving my shoulder a nudge. "So you ended up sleeping instead?" I hear him chuckle.

"Hey it's not like I told my body to just go to sleep, I was tired" I say while giving him a smile, until the smell of food makes me drool. "Yessss! Waking up to the smell of food is the best thing ever, well in my opinion" he just shakes his head while not saying a single word. "When do you think I'll be able to visit Sam? I told you about him right? 'Cause I'd love to borrow your car"

Daniel sets a plate down on the kitchen table for me with a large steak, and basil pesto pasta on the side. He sits down and cuts into the steak before answering my question "I'll let you go under two conditions"

I raise my eyebrow. "What would those two things be? Please don't be lame and tell me I have like a limit stay over there with him because like ugh! I don't want to just say hi and then bye just so fast"

He hushes me up with a finger on his lips because he hates it when I ramble. "Sheesh, If I knew my little brother was gonna be this annoying, I would have never opened my door to you" He says with a small chuckle "I'm just pulling your tail, but look, my two small rules are don't damage it, and have fun; but please be back within a month or so. I do need my car sometimes"

I finish up the food he cooked us. "I'm gonna start packing like now! Can I borrow your duffel bag? And some uh, money... I barely have enough money to feed myself, and I need gas while on the road 'cause he lives so damn far"

Dan rummage through his work bag and pulls out his wallet. "Just take my card, but don't go spending crazy, it's just for you to buy some food, gas, and maybe clothes. You really are lucky I have a good job and I care about you so much" He gives my head fur a ruffle, then goes back to his bag to take out his laptop. "Do what you need to do, I have work to do still" once he turns around I run to give him a hug from behind. "More hugs!? What's gotten into you? Ohh god please don't tell me you love me in that sort of way, because incest is not my cup of tea"

I let go of him and take a step back. "You just had to ruin the moment didn't you? 'Ohh I hope you don't want my dick'" I say in a mocking and joking voice while trying to keep a straight face "Well go on, do your work"

I walk up the stairs to my room that he still left for me, even though I refused because I didn't want to feel like even more of a burden, despite me always bothering him more than I should. I pack the things I know I'll need the most, before swinging the heavy duffel over my shoulder before walking back down to the living room "Hey Dan? How were mom and dad like in the beginning? All I was able to hear before was that they were amazing and fun, but like when I was born, that's when shit started to get crazy"

Dan removes his reading glasses and folds them in his paw as he rubs his temple "Well they were actually pretty amazing to tell you the truth. We were like a normal family I guess, even when she had our two sisters and last brother; well the supposed last one" He says while turning around "Then mom started to feel uhh, depressed about some stuff..." I notice Dan has closed his eyes. "I can't remember what was bringing her down, but it was something huge and she turned to alcohol then drugs."

"So that's like a very short, and I mean short, short story about what happened to mom"

He nods his head. "We all know she passed from an overdose; but as for dad, he actually might be alive somewhere. He just up and left once mom died. I guess he couldn't cope with the loss. After mom's funeral he came to me and only me" I take a seat wanting to listen to what dad had to say. "He told me that he was going to leave, and that I need to take care of you because you were still in what, seventh grade I think? Or something like that. Well that's really it, he went to his car and never came back, so who knows where he is"

I lean back in my seat in awe. "Well at least he cared about me, somewhat, so no one has a single idea where he is at all?"

He shakes his head "No one at all, unless one day he decides to do something. But so far nothing"

I sort of just shrug. "Yeah, maybe one day he'll come back; but I'll be leaving tomorrow so I guess I'll see you later?" I get up from the chair, but turn around on my heels "But now that you told me that small part of how dad told you to take care of me, I'm shocked that I never called you dad, but then again I wasn't that young to get confused like that"

Dan gives a light chuckle. "I really wouldn't mind if you did call me dad... unless you said daddy, then that would be weird. But hey! Now I know I can survive being a father because I had to deal with your ass this whole time. I did have to get a good job dude, but still some of my coworkers still think you are like my son since we look alike"

I can't help myself from chuckling, even though it's not really that funny I still laugh. "Oh god, really! I mean you aren't as young as I am cause like furs your age by now would have had like a wife or something along those lines, right?"

Dan sighs. "Yes Grey, I'm old, I guess, you don't have to rub it in, even though 34 is still young!"

"Whatever you say grandpa"

Dan then proceeds to throw a napkin at me. "Hush now!" I try to stop my laughing as the night begins to slowly creep in over the window.

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