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"No Grey!" Sam says nervously while turning his head and trying to push me away, his lips curl up into an awkward grin as I get closer to him "I swear if you do it!"

I give his face a big lick before getting off him. "Well I did it!" I say with a giggle. "The big ol' cat is all clean"

"Thanks" Sam says sarcastically while wiping his face with his paw, and flicking the drool strands at me "now I have your slobber on my face" He rubs it off with his sleeve. "Sometimes I regret letting you stay with me because I don't like dealing with how childish you are. I don't understand how your brother is able to put up with you?"

I shrug while pulling my legs in, so I'm sitting cross legged "I wish I knew as well, but the thing I can tell you about him is that he is amazing! He will always be amazing in my eyes and you're amazing in other ways as well" I say while slumping back into the couch. "Well what do you want to do today?"

Sam scratches his chin as he thinks. "Well, we can start by stop being lazy and go outside, maybe go for a walk down to the park" I stand and stretch my arms over my head.

"Okay and once we get to the park? What are gonna do then?" I ask smuggly while grabbing my sweater, and slipping my arm through a sleeve.

Sam gets up and goes over to the door, and opens it. I follow along a couple steps behind him. "We will go to this amazing ramen place I just found out about from a few other friends, what do you have to say about that?" I stay by his side while we walk down the sidewalk, thinking about his plan.

"I think that plan sounds good, but I wish life was so much more exciting sometimes, you know?" I notice Sam open his maw to say something, but pauses for a second, not answering.

"Life isn't always that amazing you know that right? Despite as much as you would love for it to be that way, it never does end up being like that" I just nod my head in silence.

"Well some people are just blessed with good lives, growing up in the lap of luxury, getting whatever they want when they want it; but hey, at least we can both say we have decent enough lives though, right?"

"Yeah I guess you can say that Grey, but seriously, stop being so depressing and cheer up!" He punches me lightly on the arm "We can have at least have some fun while you're here, otherwise you drove here for nothing"

We round a corner, and I can see the park ahead, with its tall trees surrounding the playground. "We are gonna have fun! But life just isn't exciting at all sometimes, like I live off some sort of schedule that I follow day in, day out, it never seems to change and I'm just bored. Well sometimes it does, I came here to visit you, and still my life doesn't at all seem to exciting or happy" I give Sam a small and toothy smile.

"Grey" He says "life is the way it is. It can work wonders, but it can also be an ass and make you feel so shitty sometimes; but whatever you do don't think that taking your life will solve anything, okay?"

I grab his paw and hold it tightly, wanting nothing other than to feel someone. "Don't worry, I won't ever do something that stupid Sam"

He gives me a smile as he tightens his grip on my paw. "How's your boyfriend? It's been like two something months now right? I haven't found someone myself yet, but the thing is I can't really seem to find anyone"

Sam pulls me over to a bench and sits us down. "Yeah it ain't easy, trust me on that. But he's doing alright. What sucks the most though is trying to talk with him; he's very forgetful sometimes, and I mean when he texts me I respond within seconds most of the time, but he sure can't seem to do that"

I close my eyes and sigh while leaning my head back. "If I was someone else, I would say that he doesn't love you as much as he did when you two got together; but that's just my opinion, and I think most people would agree with me"

"It may seem like that, but I love that big dumb goof, and I know he truly loves me" He pauses to take a deep breath and lets it out his nose "I'll never get to fly up there unless I learn how to save my money"

"Yeah you really should start saving, I'm sure he would absolutely love to see you" I say while leaning forwards, opening my eyes, and turning to see Sam's black and orange and white face with black stripes on his cheeks. "He seems really nice...just a little cookey"

Sam can't help but smile at me. "Yeah he is, and I can't stop thinking about what I would say when we meet; oh hey, speaking of my boyfriend" He raises his phone up and waves it around in my face, showing the message his boyfriend just sent him. He quickly types out a response before sliding the phone back into his pocket.

"Sam" I ask while looking up at the darkening. "Do you think we are alone in the universe? I heard Space-X was planning this project where furs are put into cryosleep, and launched towards another solar system in a spaceship" I look over towards him and cross my arms "They said the project won't be ready for a year, and it would take like 200 years to get to another solar system"

Sam squints at me and tilts his head to the side, making his ears flop to the side. "Please don't tell me you are not one of those furs crazy enough to do it?"

"Well Sam what if they are right? What if we do find life beyond our universe? I want to do it; but I don't know how to say goodbye to the ones I love especially you Sam... my first crush and very bestest friend. I mean I won't be alone, others want to sign up just as badly as I do"

Sam stares at me like I have been speaking nonsense. "Sam... please don't leave me here, I would join you but I have family, friends, things I want to do. I have so much to live for on this planet, college, family, work; I can't just leave"

"Yeah I know Sam, I just thought you'd like to know" I tap my fingers on the arm rest "I can't wait to see new worlds! Hopefully if we do meet alien life, they will be friendly enough not to kill us" I stick my tongue out at Sam.

"Yeah if they are" Sam stares up at the sky with me, looking at the two bright moons, one half and the other full.

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