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Driving for long periods of time sure is boring, mostly because I'm alone and heading all the way to Texas. Sam couldn't live further from me. I look to my left out the window sometimes to see how other furs are doing in the states I'm driving through. "Why do some suffer while others prosper" I ask myself while passing through a college campus, and see the seemingly happy students walking around with their friends while sipping cups of iced coffee.

Next town I passed through what seemed to be backwards, with each species based on some horrid flags that I see flapping around in front of their homes, representing that their kind is the best kind. I usually never talk about this topic because it's very controversial, everyone seems to have a different opinion, and it's impossible to know what they're going to say.

"Five more hours left to go" I say while rubbing my eye and yawning. "God, I've never had to drive this far in my whole life; and the best thing is that I just realized that I have to drive all the way back with this car." I tell myself sarcastically, tempted to slam my head into the steering wheel.

I turn onto a shadowy side road and kill the engine, before leaning the seat back and closing my eyes. I'm too cheap to get a motel room, and honestly don't really care; but I remember to lock the doors before completely passing out. I'm woken when a loud tractor rumbles past me, with a large cloud of smoke spewing out of its exhaust before it turns onto the road, and kicks forwards as they change gears and disappears around the corner. I lean forwards and stretch my arms over my head before starting the engine again. 5 more hours of driving...gggrrreeeaaattt.

Breakfast on the road is an egg sandwich from a fast-food restaurant, with a sad cup of bitter coffee that tasted more of water than actual coffee; but I drank it anyway because I slept absolutely horribly last night, and god do I reek of sweat like an old locker room.

I follow the address Sam sent me on my phone, before finding his house at the end of a cul-du-sac. Wow is his house massive, it's like twice the size of my brother's, and I thought he was well off.

"Some have money, some don't; that's fine, not everyone is blessed" I close my eyes parking at the end of his driveway.

I step out into the blistering noon Texas heat and humidity, almost sweating immediately as I walk up to his front door. Should I even knock on it? Maybe I should just stop and go home, it was a stupid idea to visit him.

"He told me that his home will always be open to me, if I'll ever need it, or I ever come to visit... The thing that makes these arms from moving to knock on that bell is we never have ever met in person" I take a few breaths trying to recollect myself. "Jeez I need friends cause I talk to myself too much" I raise my paw up to knock on the door.

Sam walks down the stairs while humming a song in his head in just his shorts and shirtless, he opens the door and sees his bestie from the internet that he's known for years. "Grey? Is that really you? How long did it take you to get here" I can't help but smile while looking at the amazing little tiger.

"It took me hours, and I mean some serious time" I go up and pull him into a hug. "You don't know for how long I've been wanting to give you this hug..." I cry a bit not from sadness but joy.

"Oh Grey, you goofy wolf" Sam wraps his arms around me while rubbing my back as I feel his tail tighten around me.

"I really never thought this moment would ever happen, but look at us now" Sam holds my paw clearly happy.

"Neither did I Grey, I always told myself that one day I would go up there to visit you, but I kept getting busier and busier, never getting the chance" He says while resting his chin on my shoulder. "I don't want to say a broken lie to you, because we both know that we have promised things that we could never fulfil, but this really did come true" I nod my head agreeing with what he just told me.

He lets go of me before turning around and dragging me into the living room "Still single I assume?" He asks while sitting down next to me on the couch.

I give him an awkward chuckle while leaning back and getting comfortable "Yeah I still am single. But do you remember the times when I dated girls and it never went anywhere, but when I dated that one guy I told you about, but it was long distance just like yours. How is your boyfriend anyways?" I give a faint smile.

"Eh we are doing fine. But it's extremely hard for us because he just had to live on another continent. But ya know it's never easy" He gives me a sideways glance "But I know how you like long distance relationships.

I give a light chuckle and a smile "Oh well! I will find myself that one great guy one day so don't you worry one bit" Sam just gives me a smile "You don't think you would mind if I used your shower?" I ask while standing up and pulling my sticky shirt off my fur "I didn't get a motel for the night, so I don't smell the best" I say while giving a toothy smile.

"Go ahead! I don't want a smelly wolfie like you in my home hehe" He says with that grin still on his lips "Up the stairs and to the right"

I nod my head while going upstairs and following his instructions, and geez his parents spared no expense. The countertop around the sink is white marble, floor granite tiles, and the shower has a swinging glass door with a rain shower head. I pull my smelly clothes off before taking a nice long and hot shower, before dressing and walking back down stairs.

"So do you live here all by yourself or what?" I ask while sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Nah a few of my friends moved into the house once my parents moved away to do their travels since they were tired of living here, they wanted to be adventurous but right now my friends aren't here since they left for a vacation just like your roomates"

I rest my head on Sam's shoulder, hoping he doesn't mind as we enjoy each other's company. "So how long are you planning to stay?"

I think for a bit. "I was told I couldn't stay long. The car isn't mine, it's my brother's, but we'll just have to see"

Those Who Have Left (A Gay Furry Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu