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"Oh, there you are! Great job on the movie, love!" Jai's mom announced as she stepped into her private room. Amongst her mother was her entire team who all clapped in sync, offering her many praises.

"Thank you all for the support and for the celebrations," Jai smiled before turning to her mom.

"Hi, mama. I'm so tired I-" Jai was cut off before she could say anymore.

"I know you're tired and I promise you I'm going to let you sleep, but I have to let you know that you have VIP tickets to Drake's concert tonight in Los Angeles!" she beamed.

"Ma, as much as I love Drake, I just had to film a whole scene with him right now and I don't know how I feel about that. I don't know if I should be happy, a little weirded out, or whatever, so with all due respect, do I have to go?" Jai whined.

"YES! This will be great promotion for you two's movie and Drake invited you himself," her mom nudged.

"But why? Can't I just respectfully decline? I don't want to deal with anyone from the cast right now. I can't really handle a night out. I'm so tired." Jai could be so over her life as a celebrity. She'd missed the normal days when she could sleep in on an off day , where she could go out without worrying about being bombarded, when she could just be normal and go on dates, hangout with friends, and coexist without causing a frenzy.

"Fine," Jai gave up. She knew there was no way her press team was going to let her miss out on a chance like this and to be honest, when she was normal, she'd dreamed of times like this. She supposed she could be a little humble and grateful for just one more night, or so she thought.

Jai was getting ready inside of her room when her mom strolled in with a white box embossed with an OVO Owl on the front of it. Currently doing her makeup at her vanity while dressed in a white robe, Jai looked just beyond the mirror.

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is," she shifted her gaze taking in the huge golden owl. She shook her head as she calmly gathered her nerves. "I don't want it. Please send it back."

"I can't. There's no address," Jai's mom laughed.

"Well, at least we know it came from Drake as evidenced by that obnoxious owl," Jai huffed as she rolled her eyes at it, "He really does just give out gifts on an impulse. Just when I was actually starting to feel okay about tonight," she sighed, getting up to take the box.

She opened it to find just about every item from his women's collection inside. She lifted up a set, shocked from how accurate he was in guessing her size. On top of the pile of clothes was a fresh, red rose and a note. Jai picked it up, reading:


Thank you for your incredible work ethic. I want to thank you for being such a great cast mate. To a beautiful, classy, and timeless young woman, here's a little something to show my gratitude.


"That was so sweet. Seriously, that was so thoughtful." Jai looked at her mom from out the corner of her eye. The older woman had been reading from over her shoulder.

"You know, I'm starting to think that you're enjoying the prospect of him doting on me more than I am," Jai remarked, letting her eyebrows furrow as she watched her mom closely.

"What? I'm just saying that this was a sweet gesture. He's sweet," she shrugged.

"Mmhmmm ok, Ma."

"Well, I'll let you get back to getting ready. Have fun tonight, ok? I love you!"

"I love you too," Jai laughed before sifting through the box. "He actually has great taste! I guess I could wear this tonight," Jai lifted up a shirt and pants.

She'd just finished dressing when her assistant knocked on the door, announcing herself.

"You can come in Lena. I'm ready."

"That's a cute outfit, Jai," Lena gave her a round of applause as she looked the ensemble up and down.

"It's not too much, right?" Jai did a turn.

"No, you look beautiful. No doubt people are going to be talking about the fact that you're wearing Drake's clothing line and right after you just finished wrapping up a movie with him? Not to mention that you'll be wearing this at his concert. I don't know. Seems like you'll be getting a lot of attention tonight and I know how you get with too much press. Just remember to breathe in and out. Everything will be ok."

Lena was always good with advice

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Lena was always good with advice. For all intents and purposes, she's was her second mom and Jai loved that Lena never judged because she could express herself in ways she otherwise couldn't with her mother. It also helped that Lena was a black woman. She understood the daily struggles of not falling into traps that could result in a lot of scrutiny on the media's end. She was 28 and understood what it meant to be a mentor to another young black woman. Jai didn't feel pressure to be this perfect woman around her because she served as an older sibling and guardian figure in one.

"And girl, it's Drake. He's fine as hell. I say go for it," she laughed, "Oh and another thing, I got tickets too!" she danced, "I'm gonna bring my girlfriends so that we can make it a girls night!"

"Yassss that's what's up! I'm officially pumped now!" Jai smiled her first real smile of the day.

"Ok, I need a photo with Drake because my instagram is weak as fuck!" Lena laughed.

"Oh, I see what you did there!" Jai joined in the laughter.

Jai and Lena were joined by Lena's friends, Casie and Aria. Jai's could see how they'd grown to become friends. They all had dominant personalities like Lena and could be very loud and obnoxious.

Lena was a strikingly gorgeous, mocha toned woman, with brown eyes. She had the figure and the height of a model. You couldn't ignore her if you wanted to. Aria was a cute, latte skinned girl with beautiful hazel, almond shaped eyes, while Casie was a caramel skinned beauty with grey eyes. Quite the combination. Aria was 27 and Casie would be 27 within the next month. The three women were extremely alike all the way down to their fashion senses and mannerisms. It was like watching triplets interact.

Jai sat quietly as she took in their energies. She wasn't too much of a wild one. She was fairly quiet, although she enjoyed a good party here and there. She was a brown skinned beauty with big, brown doe eyes, and freckles that adorned her cheeks. She wasn't even sure the three women knew she'd even existed. Not that she cared. She was so anxious to see Drake again and she didn't know why.

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