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Jai did her best to keep her distance throughout the night. Drake didn't have to say a word when his countenance spoke volumes. She'd just about lost it when he silenced conversations in her presence or spoke of her, but not to her. She began to feel as if she were a burden, weighing him down. So much for assigned seating. Jai spent the entire premier rigid as a rock. Afraid to even breathe without eliciting a response from Drake.

She couldn't keep her eyes on the screen for the love scene. In fact, it made her sick to her stomach. What they were doing was wrong. How she felt for him, regardless of the truth, was wrong. She was teetering on the edge of telling the truth when an overwhelming wave of nausea hit her hard. Was she losing it? This was all too much. Jai excused herself halfway through the film, running for the bathroom.

Hitting the floor of one of the nearby stalls, she emptied her stomach of the minimal food she was able to consume in the little time she had. Clenching the toilet seat, she retched once more before standing. She wiped her mouth with toilet paper before throwing it in the bowl, flushing her misery down the pipes.

Shuffling one foot in front of the other, she took a look at her face.

"You are a mess. Get it together Jai. Get it together!" Jai stared at her reflection for a moment and proceeded to clean herself up. After swishing water around her mouth, she popped a peppermint before fixing her hair and her makeup.

"Everyone is here for you and this movie. This is your breakout role. Head up, smile bright," Jai recited to herself.

Feeling confident, Jai returned to the theatre, regaining her seat next to Drake. He hadn't moved an inch to acknowledge her, but that was perfectly fine. Feeling renewed, Jai smiled towards the screen, feeling immensely proud of the work she'd put into dedicating herself to her character. It showed and she couldn't be prouder.

After the film concluded, the entire theatre filled with thunderous applause. Words of praise, hugs, and kisses were thrown towards the cast as they lined up in front of the screen to take a bow. Thanking the producers and the production company, Jai smiled to her heart's content.

"Thank you all for everything. Working on this film has been one of the best experiences of my life. I'm completely grateful to have had the chance to work with such an amazing team of producers, an amazing production crew, and an outstanding cast."

"What can we expect next from you?" A fan from the crowd yelled.

"Honestly, I don't know. There've been some jokes being thrown around about me going into music. I mean I sing on my own, but I'm nowhere near that talented," Jai laughed. "Maybe modeling. I love clothes and getting made up. Who knows? I'm just as curious as you."

"Would you ever make a song with Drake?"

Jai turned to face the reporter. It was Chloe Mae of the shadiest magazine known to man, Drama Corner. Jai couldn't lie. It would definitely come back to bite her if she did. She also couldn't give a bad response to Drake.

"That's a great question, but as I said, I'm not that inclined to jump into a studio and try to make a song when I don't know the ins and outs or the ones and twos. I can't give you an exact answer to that."

"Thanks. No more questions." With a squint of her eyes, Chloe backed away and disappeared into the crowd. This wasn't the end and Jai would be a fool to think so.

Sure that she was gone, Jai let out the breath she'd been holding and announced to the crowd that she was no longer taking questions.

She began to leave when a round of celebrities flanked her, offering her congratulations. Amongst many of them were some big names. It was all too much and just a tad bit surreal, but this is what she'd signed up for. She could sense him before she heard him. Jai fought the urge to flinch from the grasp he had on her waist. She'd never wanted to be invisible so badly. She turned to give him a questioning look only to be met with his lips on hers. 

Drake's large hand pulled her in closer as he caressed along her back, the sensations attempting to reel her back in. She pulled away slightly, covering her face. 

"I'm so sorry," Jai said as she apologized to the crowd. 

"It's fine. I can't keep my hands off of my man," Teyana Taylor cooed as she snuggled up to Iman. Jai kept her thoughts to herself. Instead, she offered her a smile.

"I can't keep my hands off of her either, obviously," Drake laughed, with his arm still wrapped around Jai's waist. "This is an unbelievable woman." 

"I'm starting to find you unbelievable too," Jai snarked, glad that no one had caught on, but she knew he had. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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