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"I have become the thing I've most feared," Jai sighed.

Adrienne locked eyes with her, "And that would be?"

"A woman who's name has become latched onto a man's. Now, whenever someone speaks of me, it's only going to be because of Drake, not because of my own brand," Jai sighed as she shook her head. "I'm so dumb. How did I not see this coming? How could I have been so stupid!"

Drake interceded as he stepped back into the room. "This is actually pretty great to be frank."

Jai whipped her head in disbelief, "Sorry, but how is this great in any way? I'd think by know, you'd be tired of the media linking you to women. I, for one, don't need to have my name latched onto yours. You're this big celebrity and I'm just barely getting my name out there. I don't need your brand overpowering mine when I'm not that well known to begin with. Now, I've been put in a position of weakness where paparazzi and gossip blogs can collaborate and write whatever they want about me. Today, it's a one night stand. Tomorrow, I'm a gold digger using you to come up in the industry and after a couple of months of me stress eating to cope and gaining weight, people will think I'm pregnant with your kid. No thank you, but this is not what I signed up for."

"That's where you're wrong. This is exactly what you signed up for when you decided to become an actress and thus, a celebrity. I hate to be the one to tell you because it wasn't supposed to happen like this, but our teams, as well as the movie producer, came up with this idea in order to promote the movie during our press release. We-"

"Don't you say what I think you're about to say," Jai interrupted him.

Adrienne gasped, "No way. They definitely want you guys to fake a relationship. Oh, this is so bad. This is a total publicity stunt that the media is already speculating about!"

Jai stood up from her seat, "Hold on," she stalked her way towards Drake. "You knew about this. You knew about this and didn't tell me!" She lowered her voice coming to a realization, "all of the gifts and the acting...you played me. You did all of that to butter me up. How could I have been so stupid and naïve? You would have never gone for a woman like me. Let alone a woman of my age. Oh my god, I'm so stupid!" Jai yelled. She could feel the tears pooling at her eyes out of embarrassment. She didn't want Adrienne to see her like this.

Drake watched as her eyes turned glossy. "Jai, wait. It wasn't like that!"

"Then how was it?"

Drake couldn't bring himself to tell the truth because he didn't exactly know what the truth was. He liked her. She was a nice woman, but he couldn't just tell her something he wasn't sure that he meant. He couldn't tell her that he liked her and would like to pursue something more if he didn't know what he truly felt. He still had women on hold that he would have to cut off for her. He still had women in the industry who were waiting for a response. She was just someone who he happened to vibe with. There wasn't much history to go off of. There was no history other than working on a movie together.

He opened his mouth to respond before closing it.

"That's what I thought. I should have never gone to that stupid concert. Can you please spare me any remorse and just call a bodyguard to escort me home?" Jai asked, swiping at her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. You do know that we-"

"I know all about today's commencement of the press tour. I won't spoil your image. I do have a reputation to uphold."

Drake and Adrienne watched as Jai ascended the stairs.

"I like her. A lot. Even if you don't feel anything for her...anything serious, I should say, I can sense something between you two. Don't screw it up with her. Even if you decided on just being a friend, she could really be good for you."

"Yeah, Adrienne, I don't think so. She's a good girl. She doesn't fit my lifestyle. I don't want to be the one to corrupt her and give her false hope. I'm not good for her," Drake sighed.

"And how would you know that? Are you just a bad person or are you not done with messing around with women and having them pining after you? There's a difference. I'm telling you this as a friend. Man up and figure out what you want because that, 'I'm no good for you' excuse is unacceptable," Adrienne concluded.

Drake began walking towards the steps before turning around. "I just don't want to be the man that hurts her for the first time."

"Then don't do anything that will. Go along with whatever your team has lined up and then when all of this is said and done, maybe you two can have a talk," Adrienne smiled. Drake smiled back before heading up the stairs.

Jai was just exiting the shower, wrapping a towel around her body, when she opened the door and met Drake's chest.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to...I wasn't trying to..."

"It's ok," Jai laughed. "Calm down. I just need to grab my things and I'll be out of your way."

"Your things?," Drake's eyes followed her as she walked over to a pile of bags.

"Yeah, I had my assistant drop off my clothing and makeup so that I could ready myself for the press release today. I have my ways."


Jai attempted to walk past him and into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. He caught her wrist.

"You don't have to get ready in there. I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I want you to know that I'd never hurt you. Not willingly. You have to know that."

"I don't know anything, Aubrey. I barely know you," Jai hadn't meant for the words to sting although they had. He was a man with feelings. Not something to just be cast aside, but he couldn't lie. She did have a point.

"I know that and hopefully this whole charade hasn't painted me in an even darker light. I do like you, Jai. You're a nice girl, but I don't know you."

"Woman, I'm a woman. I know I'm nice. Men tend to tell me that when they're not interested. It's ok, you aren't my first heart break and you won't be the last. There was nothing for you to break by the way. Like you said. You don't know me. And I don't know you." Jai continued towards the bathroom.

"Jai, that's not what I-"

She closed the door softly before he could finish.

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