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is it dusk or is it dawn?

because the sun is setting on the

crescent moon smiles of my friends,

whose voices will soon be interrupted

by the white noise of delayed phone lines.

twilight is breaking upon the open arms of my family,

whose embrace will soon be sporadic,

accompanied by whispered reminders

not to drink too much alcohol.

part of me still fears the darkness;

the child who hopes her duvet

will shield her from the shadows,

not old enough to face the night alone.

part of me fears that sunset will fall

upon everything i've ever known,

and when it rises again

so many things will no longer see the light of day.

but most of me thinks this is daybreak;

because i know that when the sun paints

the sky with the rose-gold palette of a new day,

i will awaken to things i've been anticipating for a long time.

my heart is ready to free fall into the hands

of someone who may or may not catch it,

my mind is ready to play ping-pong

with friends and imposters.

maybe it's dawn and dusk

at the same time. 

Small TalkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora