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you've got a hand on my heart,

but it's still lingering behind my rib-cage,

not yet ready to leave the safety of its chamber

in order to be stolen by a blue-eyed boy.

i have to admit i'm scared;

if you take my heart out from where i've been guarding it 

then my most vital organ will become vulnerable,

and there's no guarantee that you'll return it in one piece.

so forgive me if i hold back for a while,

forgive me if we have to play tug-of-war.

sometimes i think i'm ready to give my heart to you,

and other times i try to convince myself that it still belongs to me.

but i know i can't keep it locked away forever;

i'd rather my heart was scratched and bruised,

lovers names scrawled over it like graffiti marks,

than a blank canvas that had never been touched by love.

because i know that love will be worth the risk of loss.

and the beauty of it is,

when i finally let my heart fall for you,

i know that you will be there to catch it.

Small TalkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz