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Keith had gotten up before Lance this morning and noticed Lance hadn't moved. The Cuban boy had stayed in Keiths arms all night. Keith moved as slowly as he could in hopes not to wake him, he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. His brown hair softy fell right above his eyes. Keith desperately wanted to run his fingers through Lance's hair and stay in bed all day, but he knew he needed to figure out what was going on with that flower. Keith made it back to the Lion and uncovered the flower. Its essence was extraordinary. It's like it wanted to be grabbed. Keith just couldn't contain himself anymore, he quickly picked up the flower and felt one of the thorns stab into his hand.

"FUCK!" Keith watched as blood began to drip from the small prick on his finger, but there was something else on his hand as well. And it was... Purple?

Keith rushed and grabbed the first aid kit he has on Red. He cleaned the prick and put a blue band-aid on. He walked back to the flower and carefully put it back in the case, just as Lance rushed in her threw the towel back over it.

"Mul-Keith! Are you okay?"

"Yeah" Keith smirked. "I just pricked myself on something and it hurt like a bitch."

"Oh..okay, because I heard you scream and I..."

Keith walked over to Lance and placed one hand on his shoulder.

"Lance, don't worry I'm fine." Lances face flushed

Keith walked out of the Lion very confused. Where did this burst of confidence come from? He was normally chill but on the inside very flustered when talking to Lance.

"Hey, Keith!"

Keith turned to see Lance walking briskly toward him.

"What's up sharpshooter?" This time they both blushed. Confidence? Nicknames? What is going on Keith?

"Um, well I was wondering if instead of going off and doing things by our selves we hang out together today."

Keith took one step closer to Lance. "I would love to spend the day with you!" Keith quickly shook his head and turned around.

"Keith...Are you sure you are alright? Because you seem to be acting kind of strange..."

"No Lance, I promise I'm fine!" Keith grabbed Lance's arm and led them in a random direction.

"Now, come on sharpshooter, this way looks amazing!"

They started walking in the way Keith had chosen, Lance still being drug by the mullet-haired boy. After around five minutes they had come across some berries, similar to the ones Lance has found before.

"Look, Lance, these look delicious, here try one" Keith plucked one off the branch and plopped it into Lance's mouth. The boys were making serious eye contact and Keith had let his hand linger on Lances face for too long.


"Oh, s-sorry.." Keith quickly pulled his hand away and hid his face so Lance wouldn't see the blush.

Keith began thinking as they continued walking in silence...

What are you thinking Keith?! I mean what has gotten into you! You're not acting like yourself at all! So you need to stop this flirty act now or Lance will surely find out you like him!

After about 20 more minutes of silent walking the boys came across another hot spring.

"Lance, it's just like the one from a couple days ago! We should get in!"

"What? Keith, a couple of days ago you wouldn't even get in the hot springs and now you do this? Seriously man what is going on with you?"

Keith stopped listening to Lance and began to strip off his shirt.


"What Lancey?" Keith moved closer to Lance

Lances face flushed red.

"I -Uh..."

Keith was now right in front of Lance, he placed both of his hands behind his neck and pulled him slowly closer.

"Kiss me." Keith says in a whisper.

Lance pushes Keith back but Keith holds on.

"WHAT NO!" Keith brings his face closer to Lances again this time his face goes red as well. They can both feel each other's breath on each other's lips as they slowly move closer and closer.

"Scared Lancey Lance?"

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