Imagine #1 (Part III)

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Yup, even I can't believe I'm writing a part three. I planned it to be a one part imagines book, but then again I can never go against the people whom I'm writing imagines for, now can I?
Anyways,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!! Enjoyyy!! c;


√Requested by @ ruhiafreen31

Your POV

I'm sitting with Harry right now, in our usual seats in the café. We always liked to come here as this place was always less crowded and we could have a peace time here.

But I guess since last two years a lot has changed. People working here, furniture and also it seems like its quiet famous now.

"Earth to (Y/N)!" Harry says waving a hand in front of my face.

I blink my eyes, still kind of zoned off. "Huh?"

He shook his head. "I've known you'd been using pacifier. Now care to tell me what's wrong?"

I look down at my feet. "H-Harry... w-we had a fight." Shit I don't want to cry here. "A terrible one. We b-broke up."


"Y-yes. He called me mean names, Harry. He doesn't believe me. He thought I was cheating on him with you. He knows how much I love him. But he still doubted me."

"So you broke up with him for that?" His eyes shoot up in amusement.

And then I told him. I told him everything since we started seeing each other, his sudden change in behavior, what his Mother said, and how I thought that he might have raised a hand on me the way his eyes were fuming with anger."He still likes her, Harry. He still loves Laura."

"Are you fucking serious (Y/N)!?" Harry's yelling now. I wonder what I did now? "He doesn't like her anymore (Y/N)! He acted like that 'cause he was afraid to lose you! 'Cause you're the one whom he loves and according to his brain, everyone who he loves leaves him. That's why he acted overprotective!"

"B-but-h-how-why?" I'm just so fazed now and so many questions are running through my head, I don't even know from where to start!

"You must go home right now. (Y/N) I'm afraid he might do something really depressing. He attempted to do that when Laura ditched him!"

What? Shit. No! "H-Harry!" A tear slips my eye. "What if he tries to... k-kill himself!"

"I'll drive you there," he said getting up. "(Y/N) stop crying everything will be fine! Just get up!" He pulled me by my hand.

Throuh the whole car ride, it felt like every minute that passed was a year. I didn't blink my eyes, I didn't watch th trees and building go by through the window, I was looking at nothing. Thinking of all the ways Zayn could've killed himself, imagining him laying in a pool of blood, hands red, eyes closed.

I gripped at the cloth of my jeas tightly as the thought of Zayn doing something to himself itself terrified me.

As we reached the house, I didn't wait for the car to be properly pulled up as I opened the passenger door and ran inside the house through the front door. Thank God I didn't leave the spare keys of Zayn's house while I'd left the house.

"Zayn!" I called, only to be greeted by sheer silence.

"Oh my fucking god, where could he be?" I mutter under my breath as I walk through the hallway and towards the kitchen.

"Oh Shit Zayn!" I screamed as I saw him on the kitchen floor.

I got on my knees as I picked up his head and placed it in my lap.

His eyes were barely open, but as soon as he saw me, he threw his charismatic smile that I died for. Only weakly, this time. "Are you fucking out of your mind!? Zayn look what you've done to yourself! Get up," I grabbed him, standing up, and pulled him towards me. "You need to be cleaned up. Oh Zayn, what have you done?" I placed his hand, his blood covered hand, over my shoulder and took him up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I washed his cut on his right forearm first, and then made him sut on the toilet seat. I grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet of under the sink, and started dabbing the cotton dipped in antiseptic. "Oh thank God the cut isn't too deep! Jesus, what would of happened to you if I hadn't of arrived on time!? Zayn you're so dead. You're just so freaking dead!" I muttered angrily as I cleaned his wound.

As I glanced up at him, I saw him smiling towards me. I frowned. "This is not funny Za-"

I got cut off by Zayn's lips crashing against mine. Though I was a bit shocked at first, I didn't take long to kiss him back.

"I love you so much (Y/N)" he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too."






I hope you liked it c;

Remember y'all are beautiful and totally amaZAYN. I'm always there for you in your hard times <3

Love you and lads a lot. Xoxo

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