my grandma a bitch

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Ok this a long story so sit yo ass down

Ok so my Uncle has a girlfrend named, ok im not gonna say her real name so imma say icecream. So me and Icecream are good friends rn. And she's living with my uncle. My uncle lives with his mom (the bitch grandma) cuz he has to cuz he on probation, so Icecream lives with him. But since grandmas boyfriend was accused of molesting my other aunts little kid, my uncle made him get out of the house. Which is a good thing cuz most of us hated him anyway, but obviously not a good thing for my little cousin.

So since my uncle did that, my grandma's been slowly making Icecream get out of the house or lock her out. But NOW shes full out kicking her out she made her even quit her job! Which is BoWlShIt. So now Icecream gotta move into a new city, but get this. ShE oNlY gOt aBoUt 200 dOlLaRs. Like WhAt? U gonna make her leave with little to no money? WhAt tHe lIvInG fUcK i hOpE tHe bIg bAd wOlF cOmEs aNd eAt yO aSs tHeN iMmA bE iN tHe bAcKrOuNd lIKe "fuckin god could u go any slower"

And she was just crying about it and i feel so bad for her cuz she loves my uncle so much but now she has to leave cuz my grandma being a salty bitch cuz her boufriend got caught molestin my lil cousin. AND she believes he didn't. But everyone knows he did. I think at one time when i was like 2 he nearly did it to me but my mom was like yeet and got me tf outta there. But thats a different story.

So yea she's really upset she has to leave. AlSo my aunt (a different one) is suppose to come over, wait lemme clear up the family thing

Grandma (dads mom) had 4 kids. Dad, Uncle, aunt, other aunt thats not in this story.

My uncles gf is Icecream. The aunt that doesn't like my grandma is the aunt whos kid was molested my grandmas bf. Which btw if u choose ur boyfriend over your own kid and grandchilds saftey then what the actual fuck is wrong with you ya stupid lemon sucker.

Ok so my aunt is suppose to come over and she wont cuz my grandmas here. And shes not talkin to her still cuz my grandma a dumbass. And so my grandma knows she wants to come over but she wouldn't FuCkInG lEaVe. But we finally got her to leave. So tHaNk gOd.

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