another rant

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So im just trying to watch youtube right? Ya know just watchin whatever. Then this, this dick sucking motherfucking ad comes on my screen

And at first im like wtf is this gay shit. But THEN it HAPPENED. It was an ad for a web comic where the main dude can see... U ready for this bullshit? He cAn SeE. HoW mUcH mOnEy sOmEoNe hAs aT tHe tOp oF tHeIr hEaD. What kinda gay ass super power is that?! Thats so gay, that its right next to the super power that just lets you fucking INHALE. PENIS in less then a fucking MILLISECOND. wHeN wOuLd yOu uSe iT? "Hey u have ### dollars!" "What the fuck? Alright then. Whispers fuckin creepy ass bitch like the fuck"

ItS sO fUcKiNg gAy. ThAt oNcE yOu eVeN rEaD tHe fIrSt wOrD. A dick just magically appears in your fuckin mouth.

Like i swear to god its worse then eating corn flakes

And fuck corn flakes

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