"Once Upon...A Rock"

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Chapter 10:
Once Upon ... A Rock

Queen Mary Elizabeth was happy with the decisions she made when she ruled the kingdom as their regent.  She especially loved her son's idea of marrying a princess from France. He decided to do this in order for them to stop the continuing battling between the both countries. England was now bound for greatness and the entire world was safer than it had ever been before since in any they were under the reign of Constantine. Queen Mary Elizabeth was living happily with her son King William and his family, and he was doing well with his kingdom. Everyone seemed like they were getting along fine with each other and their fellow countrymen.

Yet, Queen Mary Elizabeth had this large hole left in the pit of her heart, for she sorely missed her husband and feared for his life. Since the time when she found, that the Wizard Merlin had revised the magical spell, Charley was left to work by the Magical Wizard's side and this made the Queen Mother feel very uneasy. She didn't know if she would ever see him again, whether it be "Charley or William," they both seemed like they were gone. They were not coming home to their lovely English kingdom and this time it was for good. She had been waiting for such a long time, since that one day when her beloved husband left, going to that war in Normandy, France. And after the war was over he never returned. It was because of that special spell that the two of them had both agreed upon. And even though they thought at that time they were doing the right thing by trusting the Magical "Wizard Merlin," they knew now, what decision he was making with her husband's life and he broke his promise to them and from thence forward the Wizard couldn't ever be trusted again. He had turned his back on their vows and decided to never allow her husband to return home. His reasoning, was was because the people who lived inside the kingdom of Mary Elizabeth's older home with her parents the "The Forest of Glens," had turned their back on his magic. That is what made the Merlin mad and why he decided to take it out on King William's wife. She had promised him that she would always believe in his magical powers and she would convince her people in the village to do so also. But they stopped believing when they were slaughtered by the Vikings so many years before. And she had to leave them and go live in another castle with her husband to be. After their they lost their faith and stopped doing magic. So from that time forward, when King William went to war, she lived without him by her side. The man she loved and the man who loved his family was gone forever since that day!

But day after day, Queen Mary Elizabeth walked the ocean's shorelines, calling out the special verse for her beloved Charley. She waited anxiously for him to return too her, swimming to their special spot where she would be sitting on a rock. But this day, he didn't come to her as fast as he once did before. It was becoming apparent to her, that when he did arrive it was later and later each day. After he would finally get there, he always had an excuse for that action. He would tell her that he couldn't hear her calling and that he didn't know if she would be there or not by waiting on him. But she knew that this was just one of his excuses about a situation with the Wizard, and she decided she would not mentioned it to him. Thence one day after seeing that the weather was bad and thunderstorms were on the horizon, she decided to go back to the same spot again and called out his name. But this time Charley never came? So this was the day,  she made her final decision. Mary Elizabeth, wasn't going back there ever again! This decision she made was not taken lightly and it broke her heart deeply. She couldn't help but let her emotions be shown in the Royal Court. The look on her face and the way she acted was coming out from all of the attitudes in her life. And everyone could see the sadness upon her face, but she tried hard too act as she had once before.

But her son, "King William," could see through his mother's scheme clearly and he watched her from the balcony of his bedroom's doors walking quietly home from her daily stroll to the beach. Today's walk appeared as if she was extra saddened by the way she strolled silently through her gardens, stopping at every rose bush and smelling each one' of her roses in her garden. He kept watching over her, as she quietly walked through the  "Rose Gardens Of The Royal Court's in Chipping Camden's Country." But today as watched his mother's movement, she was walking slower than she usually did when walking through her rose gardens. It was apparent too William, that his mother was carrying something inside her heart that she definitely was worrying about. He could tell that she couldn't tell anyone else about her problems that stayed on her mind every single day. So King William, decided to speak with his wife Annabella, telling her that he was very worried about his mother's condition. Annabella always could sense that her husband William, could always tell when his mother's unhappiness manifested itself in her actions. So they both started watching her as she strolled through the Royal Court strolling alone and they both kept a close watch of her as she stopped by her roses and smelled each of them for that were beautifully kept in those gardens of Chipping Camden. On that day, Annabella insisted that her husband go too her and find out what she had on her mind. She knew that she was keeping from them. And, King William took his wife's advice and he broached his mother and asked her what she had been keeping in her heart from him, for he could see it on her face. If he knew what her problem was, and if had something to do with a problem inside his kingdom, he would definitely be the one that could help her with her worrisome burden  that she was carrying around. But, this wasn't his only reason of wanting to help her? He just wanted to take the burden off of his mother,  so she could spend the rest her life living in in peace!

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