Part 2

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Date- March 16

I woke up the next morning with a damp and sticky spot on my t-shirt where the melted ice cream from my spoon had dripped. I licked the spoon clean and threw it in the sink onto a growing mountain of dishes. I should probably stop letting Penny do everything for me. 

I was chill until I glanced at the clock on my stove and realized it was twenty three minutes past when I was supposed to be at work. I raced the short distance from my kitchen to my bedroom and realized with a panic I was supposed to do laundry last night- all my good shirts and pants were in the wash. A cream colored t-shirt and jeans would have to do for today. I hoped today wouldn't be the one in a million day where there's an inspection at the cafe. 

I debated taking a cab to work, but I figured running would be faster than navigating the New York traffic. I got a few strange glances as I sprinted down the sidewalk with my bag thudding against my thigh. I slammed the cafe door open, entering work thirty one minutes late. Penny glanced up at me with a stare that clearly read, "get your shit together."

Baz sat at a table alone in the corner. He looked up as I walked in, a look of slight disgust already on his face. Did he always look like that? Somehow, I couldn't imagine him smiling or laughing at all. 

"I see you really are a tragedy," he commented dryly, and I sent a glare in his direction as I walked towards Penny, tying my apron as high up as I could in an attempt to cover my t-shirt. Penny turned to me, leaning against the counter with one hand, the other hand placed firmly on her hip.


I grinned sheepishly. "Hey, Penny."

She rolled her eyes at me. "How did I know you'd screw up your perfect attendance eventually?"

I shrugged, pretending to pout, but I couldn't help myself from grinning. 

"You two are adorable," Baz commented from the corner sarcastically. I wrinkled my nose in disgust without realizing it. 

"Ew, no!" said Penny. "We aren't dating. Simon has a girlfriend, anyway."

Why did she say that? Of course, there was no reason not to say it. I wasn't embarrassed of Agatha. I guess I was just afraid that this Baz guy would try to date her just to mess with me? He'd never do that, he doesn't even know me. So why did I feel so shy all of a sudden?

"Wow, a girlfriend? Really? Shocking." Baz tossed his cup in the trash. "I'll be back tomorrow, Penny. Your coffee's better than Simon's." 

I grumbled at this, but it was true. I wasn't very good at making coffee, even if it was instant. There wasn't really much that I could do that Penny wasn't better at. I was better at watching Netflix for thirteen hours straight and eating cherry garcia ice cream for dinner five nights in a row. I was better at eating fifteen hot pockets in one sitting, or only eating sour cherry scones for lunch for an entire year. Surprisingly, my handwriting was neater. Nothing of importance. 

A few hours later, Penny checked her watch and let out a long string of curses. "Crowley, Simon, I have to go. I have to meet with my physics professor today and if I don't leave now I'll be late. Will you be okay by yourself?"

I nodded without saying anything. I could do the job by myself, we never were that busy, but it got pretty lonely without Penny there making fun of me. Not many people came in that day, thankfully, I had time to sit down and relax. I left work on time and figured I'd do something productive. I walked home to change out of my trash colored shirt and I put on a better looking flannel. I emptied the many sharpies that had collected in my bag and replaced them with a few empty grocery bags. There was a small grocery store down the street that I could walk to fairly quickly. 

As I navigated around the tall shelves of the store, I slammed face-first into Baz, knocking him over. "Ah!" I cried, dropping my bag. "Baz? Oh god, I'm so sorry!" I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment. I offered my arm to him, but he didn't take it, choosing to push himself off the floor instead. He glared at me, brushing off his pants. 

"You literally couldn't be a bigger mess, Simon," he said. "That's your name right? Simon?" 

I nodded. "Simon Snow."

Baz snorted. "Snow?" 

I glared at him. "I can't choose my last name, idiot."

Baz rolled his eyes. "It still sounds stupid."

"Oh yeah? And what's your full name?" Something posh, probably. He looked like he'd be part of one of those old rich families that live in a house like the Addams family. He did look like a vampire. 

"Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch."


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