Part 9

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Date- April 4

A lot of thinking over the next three days led me to realize that although the absence of Agatha in my life was very prominent, I could actually function and live without her. And although I didn't want to entirely admit it to myself... I loved her less than I thought I did. I did- do- love her, of course. But I could get over her, contrary to what I told myself a week ago. 

My morning routine was actually nice, though. I usually rushed in the morning and was almost late all the time, but I guess Agatha breaking up with me made me the slightest amount more responsible. That was one good thing, I guess. Although it did kind of ruin the slight friendship I had going on with Baz. I suppose we could try again- maybe I'd give him my phone number today so we could talk outside of him ordering coffee and me making it. Exchanging phone numbers. I snorted. It sounded like we were dating or something. He did seem nice enough though. And I certainly didn't have an abundance of friends. 

Baz came in late today, looking flustered and rushed. His hair was up again, and I tore my eyes away from it as he walked up to the counter. 

"Morning," I said. "Your usual?"

Baz was preoccupied by frantically searching through his messenger bag. "Sorry, uh, yeah. That." He handed me the money and kept searching. "Keep the tip, I don't have anything smaller."

I put the money in the register and put the extra into the tip jar. "Er, thanks?" I made his coffee and brought it back. He'd taken a binder from his bag and was flipping through it. I took a sharpie from my pocket and wrote a message on the cup; 'Sorry for getting angry at you the other day- I'd like to be better friends.' I wrote my number under the note and held the drink over the counter. "Here's your coffee- Did you lose something?"

Baz took the cup, closing the binder with a soft whap. "Ah, yeah, I did, actually. I'm pretty sure I left my essay for British lit. at home, I'd better go get it." He checked the time on his fancy looking watch. "Oh, Crowley, I'm gonna be late. Better late and with the homework than on time with no homework, I guess. See ya Snow." 

I waved at him, but he'd already strode towards the door, gliding along on his long legs. I felt butterflies flying around my stomach. What if he thought I was gay or something? I mean, he knew I'd had a girlfriend. I'd written on the cup that I just wanted to be friends. Hopefully he didn't think I was weird or anything. I wasn't trying to be weird, just friendly. 

I was distracted from my rambling thoughts from a teenage girl coming up to order a hot chocolate and a croissant. I decided to push thoughts of Baz out of my mind until I got home from work. I forced myself not to check my phone all day, both wanting and not wanting to see if Baz had texted me yet. Once home, I slowly drew my phone from my bag and turned it on.

There were two new messages from an unknown number! I frantically unlocked my phone, opening my messages. 

Message 1; 'Hey Snow, it's Baz

Message 2' 'thanks for giving me your number, haha :) I wanted to talk to you outside of your work too but I thought you'd think I was asking you out or something. Glad we can maybe be friends.

I crafted a text to send back. 'Hello, Baz.' No, too formal. 'Hi, Baz!' Too excited. 'Hey Baz, glad you responded' I hit send before I could rewrite it again. 'I was worried you hated me or something'

'No, no hate here. You seem nice.'

I grinned subconsciously. I seemed nice. Why was I so excited over making a friend? Is this what adulthood was like? It was so easy to make friends as children, but as soon as you don't have recess, everything gets harder. I was just excited to have someone new to talk to, that was all. Everything was normal. 

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