don't go near the water chapter 11

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After everyone drank their coffee and ate breakfast (which was cooked by Sal) Julie announced that we would be boating and tubing today. I had to ask what that was but she didn't tell me, she just said "you'll see" which kind of scared me. I looked at Toby as if to ask if he knew what it was, but he wasn't looking in my direction at the moment. It was kind of a relief, though, because then I wouldn't have to worry about Josh getting angry if he saw Toby looking at me. 

Everyone went to the rooms to change into swimsuits and do whatever else they needed to do to get ready. I was the first one ready, so I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I closed my eyes for about 5 seconds but they immediately opened when I heard footsteps coming behind me. I didn't know who it was and I didn't care so I just closed my eyes again. Until the person tackled me. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed but since I was under a person I couldn't tell who it was. I moved my head enough to where I could see them and it was Toby. "Toby? What the hell?" "That's for sneaking up behind me that day" "GET OFF ME!" I yelled and he immediately jumped off. I stood up, getting ready to yell at him. But he had a sad and hurt expression on his face that made me change my mind. 

"Toby what's wrong?" "I thought you would've taken it less seriously" "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you upset" "No, I'm not up... up... upset" and then he sat down and started crying. I've only seen one boy cry before, and that was Cody. I didn't really know how to handle a guy my age crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked and I rubbed his back with my hand to make him calm down. "I don't know. I just feel awkward here around people I don't know. Julie keeps trying to flirt with me, Sal keeps trying to be my friend, Melody hardly talks to me and Josh hates me. And on top of all that, my teeth hurt." "I'm so sorry that I put you in this awkward situation" "No, you didn't. Julie did." "Oh. Right. Why do your teeth hurt?" "I don't know" "Open your mouth and maybe I can see the problem." he opened his mouth but I couldn't see anything. "Tilt your head back" and he did. I saw something. I saw two teeth that were trying to grow in on top of some others. I took a picture with my phone to show him. "This is why." I said, showing him the picture. He looked at the picture and then his eyes widened and then became full of fear. "No no no... This is too early... Do your teeth hurt at all?" "No. They feel... OUCH!" I yelled as pain shot through my mouth. As soon as I yelled that I heard multiple people running to the room we were in. 

"Is everything ok?" Julie asked. "No. My mouth hurts... a lot..." "Why?" asked Josh, sitting down in between me and Toby. "I have no idea. It just started hurting." Josh then hugged me because he knew I was scared about it. "Hey I'll be right back" said Toby. "Ok" said mostly everyone. Melody followed him and I broke the hug, which took some effort, and followed as well. "Where are you going?" I demanded in a whisper. "I have to go get something. I'll be back in about 5 minutes." I wanted to follow him but I knew better. Melody tried to follow him, but I didn't let her. We just decided to let him do what he needed to do. 

We walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. "Where is Toby?" Julie immediately demanded. "He had to go do something. He'll be back soon." "Do what?" "I don't know. He didn't tell me. He just told me to have us wait for him." "Oh." Julie turned on the TV after that. But Toby was back in exactly 5 minutes. And he had a book. Luckily everyone else was too wrapped up in what they were watching to notice he was back because I knew they would've asked questions about the book. Which is exactly what I was going to do. 

"What's with the book?" "It has information so I don't have to keep going and looking when I'm needed. I'll have this book to read about any situation that might happen." "Is one of those situations leaving without telling where you're going?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared at him. "Look, I'm sorry. But now if you have any questions that I don't immediately know the answer to, I'll be able to look quickly." "Fine." And we walked back into the room. 

"Are you guys going to just sit there and watch TV all day?" I asked the group. Julie turned around and stood up when she saw Toby. "Nope!" she grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and turned the TV off. Everyone groaned. "Come on guys! Let's go have fun!" and that changed their moods quickly. I still didn't know what tubing was. And I was scared to find out.

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