chapter five

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Getting to the office I called luke  ,hey man how ur day going I asked ,it fine am on the jet ,in less than 10 minutes we will land ,I really hope the meeting goes as planned ,I want Spain to be a better place ,it really frustrating to see homeless children on the street ,it want them to have a better life ,they deserve it because they are the future leader of this generation ,so it right they get the best ,so they won't be nuisance to the country but they will bring development he said, you know luck u should have taken a teaching course instead of politic, u are good at narrating ,but u know u are good, unlike me am a complete opposite I care about no one but myself .that where u are wrong Daniel u are just heartbroken after what u went through in ur life at a very Young age of ten ,that why u are heartbroken ,I know there is someone out there who will love u and break all the walls u have build up around ur life and melt the ice u cage ur heart with ,yeah luck u being watching too much fairy tale movies that why u think everyone has a fairytale life ,am heartless luck and selfish that life is not for me ,I like my life the way it is ,coldhearted just like the tabloid describe it .you know most of the thing in that article are not true they don't know u he said and u think u do ,come on luke am tired of having this conversation with u all the time ,I wish u safe landing gud bye I said and ended the call, I like the way I am I told my self as I sighed and went back to reading the paper works before signing

After work I decided to hang out at my favourite club and when I mean my I mean mine actually it was my 4 club that I opened in this city ,it was my favourite because they are lot of people mostly couples and it has a fountain behind it that I grown to love ,I don't know why but it seem that fountain will do me a great favour in the future .now back to me ,as I walk inside many eyes turned to me mostly women and girls were ogling me with there eyes and I was dressed casually, I was a black leather jacket and a white top with black pants I kinda like how I looked ,it gave me much confidence about the effect I had on people ,I was enjoyable u know seeing how boys look at me with death glare eyes because just with my presence their girlfriend attention is diverted but they know not to stare too long because I don't like being looked at .
I went to meet the bartender, hey James give me ur strongest drink I said coming right up boss ,after drinking about 12 shot of tequila and some hot wine I became tipsy but not drunk ,soon a brunette came and sat on my lap ,not that I mind though they trow themselves at me making it easier for me to discharge them in the morning ,I am Michelle and I know who u are she said seductively, yeah she is a prostitute ,I know one when I see one .why don't we go over to your house to have a great time ,surely my dear ,let go but not to my house ,people like u deserve an hotel room not a house as I indirectly insulted her ,not that she mind as she pulled me along to my car and I told u she was a prostitute and a stalker because she knows where I packed my car .let get this night over with I thought as I drove away From the club

Thanks guys for ur support, and love ,I will update it soonest kisses

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