To the 1st kingdom

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"Ok, we have medicine for almost everything. Broke it down into specific symptoms too. Shipments for the north have all their bottles as well as some herbs for cooking. I know magic is risky right now, so please please try to avoid doing it. These medicines have a little magic in them for that little boost. Our floral village has remain heavily protected due to the resources we have and if word gets out we use magic, well you know what will happen."said the village elder. A large group stood near the giant floral doors waiting to leave and come back in the blink of an eye. The Voiron village was simply a huge floral village, quaint houses dotted the rows with color variety. The village elder took full care of everyone, the village was known for having long living residences in addition to their stunning floral arrangements. The brightest witch was a young girl named Mao. Her talented arts and quick thinking was pushing her to the top of the village defenders. Mao was rather not interested in marriage, dating or being in a relationship. To take on the world was her dream, as well as to continue helping people. The village elder knew Mao was the youngest in the bunch, she could only teleport there but not back yet. 

"Mao I would feel more comfortable if you had assistance on the way back. I'm not trying to say you are weak by any means. I just don't want that guy doing the killings to you know."said the village elder sadly. Mao knew that teleporting back wasn't possible due to the amount of magic it took up. At seventeen, teleporting to short distances was a breeze. If you were over 30, teleporting anywhere was possible. Teleportation by age was implemented by the elders to conserve magic. One would think magic was endless, it wasn't. The last hundred or so years has seen the world turn it's back on magic. The village elder told the tale many times, Mao choose to not listen to it. After all falling for a knight was never ever going to happen. The first female knight was unstoppable. Her goal was to unite the kingdoms and villages as equals. To make the land everyone shared just one place. Instead, love happened. The female knight Yui was making her way to the next kingdom when a badly injured man asked for help. Yui may have been ruthless in battle but knew that man was a simple villager. She saved his life and was instantly charmed by this mysterious man. 

Yui wanted to marry him, still wanting to unite the kingdoms decided to marry him at the last most powerful kingdom. The Sun Kingdom was a dreary place back then, the king was ruthless and determined to get rid of most of the females living in that kingdom. Cast them outside as saw them as weak. Yui decided to prove to the king and that kingdom that women can be feared and should be feared. Once they reached the kingdom, the moment they in inside.......the mysterious man with the black scorpion tail grabbed the king and killed him. In the blink of an eye almost all of the king's men were killed. Last but not least as Yui turned around to stop the mysterious man from killing anymore; the stinger went flying through her throat. As blood sprayed everyone close by, the mysterious man screamed that he was most powerful magic user in all the land. With a simple hand movement a powerful wave annihilated everyone within a 500 mile radious except for those lucky enough to live hid underground.  The dark mysterious man not happy with the results, decided to go into hiding. Nobody knows where he went to except he's still alive and well. Taking the life forces of his new victims to extend his life by many more years. Mao didn't know all of the details and only assumed he would eventually die. 

Mao took one quick look to make sure all the medicines and herbs were present, with quick hand movement disappeared leaving swirling flowers in her spot. Not to far from the castle, Mao grinned knowing her first major teleportation was a success. While it wasn't fair to only teleport fully one way, she knew her village must be protected at all costs. Mao straightened and made way to her first royalty meeting. A prince and princess who weren't just smart beyond their years, their library boosted many books. Mao only read magic books and was excited to stay a bit longer if possible to just get lost in reading. As she approached the gates she told them who she was. The guards let her in and the beauty of the Amaranth Kingdom rivilaed her village. The smells of various food, the snake charmers, the various stalls selling all types of clothing and accessories just made her think about moving here. The castle was grand of course, but the inside was filled with jade and marble. Nothing else, just those two with tons of perfectly placed decorations. The prince and princess awaited with stern faces for Mao. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Mao bowed and presented them the products. The young prince with piercing gray green eyes stood up, the short silver hair moved slightly. The prince cleared his throat and spoke in a charming hypnotizing voice. "I Prince Yamato will have to rightfully refuse that. As much as my kingdom needs that medicine, we can not except it. Magic has destroyed this kingdom and many others. While we have no absolute proof, the medicine will have to do. We will be sending a notice to everyone to not accept your people's medication. We refuse to succumb to this bullshit magic again." said Yamato. Mao couldn't even speak before the knights rushed in to take her down. The princess looked away trying to not cry so openly. Yamato hated this decision. It was the right thing to do, even if people did end up dying because of no medicine. To him, seeing his people die sickly was better than the enemy speeding up the process. The medicine always worked with no side effects, the alert on a earth magic user was too dangerous to not take into consideration. 

"Your punishment-hanging in one hour, take her away". said Yamato coldly. As the knights turned around, Mao knew using magic wasn't the best idea. It wasn't until a deep voice said stop. Mao looked up and saw this peculiar cloaked man. He too had goods, the armor stood out the most. The armor while not that bulky was of a deep blue with symbols etched from bottom and assuming to the top. The armored leg stood out from underneath the beige dirty cloak. The man revealed his full face. Round, dark brown eyes, two moles and a button nose. The scowl was surely not intimidating by any means. "You shouldn't assume things about strangers your royal highness. I am the Shore Knight here to ask you some questions. Let the girl go or I will destroy this food supply."said Kouta. He made it know he had a tail and quickly moved it around. 

"Hey asshole I don't need saving. So you and your big head can can leave now. I'm perfectly fine and capable of saving myself." said Mao annoyed. The prince dropped his head and gave his men the ok to let the girl go. Trying to kill someone is one thing but two casualties and a waste of food supply was not the way to go. After everyone calmed down, Mao quickly turned around and asked "Who is this earth magic user and what does have to do with me?" 

"The earth magic user has connection to the mysterious man from many years ago. A village was wiped out nearby. And it was covered in poisonous leaves and flowers. We believe that he's collecting souls for something big. As much as we want to help we can't. This letter was from someone in your village exiled seven years today. If we wanna take him out, it means wiping out  your people." said the princess sadly. 

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