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Mao was frightened and confused now. Of course the world wasn't this pure beautiful idea. It was good and bad, now it just seemed like it was bad. The soon to be knight knew many things, how and why was something she wasn't sure about asking about. The silence filled the air, the occasional crunch sound from leaves was heard. The knight always looked forward and not once did he speak. Mao was annoyed and wanted answers at the same time, using her magic to get away wasn't smart. At the rate they were walking and using the coach, it was too late to even make that fatal attempt to try to teleport again. It was slowly becoming evening for the sixth time. Time to set up camp and sit in awkward silence. Still a ways to the Sun Kingdom, Mao was going back and forth with herself. The internalized conflict was weighing her down to the point of very realistic dreams turning into nightmares happened. It was now or never.

"Kouta right? I know you may not answer right away, but I am ignorant of the history behind all that is around us. I wish to know about this green magician, the falling kingdoms and the pirates. It can be broken down in parts........I-I just want to know something. Anything. I don't care how painful it is either."said Mao nervously. Kouta smirked a little, he plopped down not to far from Mao. "I will you the first half tonight and if you want to hear more.......tomorrow night." said Kouta looking directly at Mao. His big brown eyes didn't look too intimidating, they hinted at masking a great sadness. His brown hair while short, still managed to fall on his ears in which were adorned by a few moles. Mao snapped out of it and quickly nodded. "The green magician, this earth magician I should say. He's not a good person at all. He was not just folklore story told generation after generation, what you heard wasn't the full truth. He took on a whole another level of magic. Created a new kingdom, a kingdom that would surpass all the magic in the world. A magic so powerful, so scary that could easily wipe out everyone and just use the earth to create a new population. They say he had a twin sister. The twin sister was always a miss and hit with this story. Nobody can say for sure if it's true. He could have a sister, not twins or anything. Or maybe he has dead parents. I can tell you right now without a doubt, he is out for blood. The stone I mentioned earlier, the magician created it. Consequences came with it though, it was misused by the sibling's parents back there. They knew giving it to a passing by person was ideal. That way the blame for the deaths and sickness could be blamed on the next logical idea. Set up someone, blame a kingdom. Get them out of the picture. The magician, he faltered and started working with someone else. A person who is almost is terrifying as him. In his weak state of mind, he begin to create riffs in people. Society began to get cracks, cracks you can't fill. My adopted father told me all of this many years ago. He saw something that changed him......This earth magician, he's part of a bigger plan. To get revenge on his kingdom that booted him out and most importantly get back the stone he created. That stone I mentioned, it's destructuve in many ways. One could say, it has the power of death and destruction. Along with rebirth as the user seeks fit."said Kouta."

Kouta was obviously beating around the bush, he wasn't being direct at all. While being honest could be heard in his tone of voice, Mao was still skeptical about what he said. It wasn't the best response, taking what he said with a grain salt was the best thing to do for the time being. Mao poked at the fire. Silence came back, Kouta occasionally looked up. As waiting for that response to further the conversation some more. There was more to be told, wasn't going to straightforward either. Kouta just Mao and keeping her at a distance was his goal for the remainder of the journey. He wanted to get back home, to prove his worth to those who feared him still. 

Mao finally softly spoke up with uncertainty in her voice. "I-I use magic myself and I honestly don't believe you. Earth magic can't be used for evil purposes to that extent. I wasn't planning on telling you. I know of him and my people aren't liars. They are bright rays of hope to guide those to the proper path of magic. We want to heal the world in many ways you could never understand. After all, people fear you. What could you possibly know about the right thing to do? I rather not hear the other part of your story. Let's finish this journey and part ways soon as possible. I don't fear you, I just feel bad for you. You are becoming a knight to deflect something and I think that's the only truth you have." said Mao shaking her head. 

Mao yawned and went to the coach to get some sleep. Kouta chuckled, he softly sang to himself. Thinking that Mao was not getting what he was saying was the truth, in reality it was a bloody truth. A truth that could wipe out her entire kind. 

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