Chapter 5: If looks could Kill

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I woke up in the pillow fort, no memory of the movies from last night. I look down next to the couch and see Tord asleep. He must've fallen asleep during the movie last night too. I step around him and make my way to the bathroom, where I found a note explaining that the house was basically empty as they all went out for important reasons. An emergency at ASDF world, a comic revision, and an emergency at a salon? Wow, they must have some pretty odd careers. So why's Tord still here? It'd make sense if he was the free loader of the house. I finish using the bathroom and start making coffee. As it's brewing, I check my phone and see a notification I never expected to see.

<Hey hottie, heard you were in town
<Long time, no see💕

Fucking hell. I got enough shit going on without my ex knowing where I am.

wtf do you want Daniel?>
I'm kinda busy enough without you stalking me>

<I just thought you'd like to come to a party this evening at 6:30pm
<Just to relax, babe 😉

"God fucking damn it!", I blurt out with anger and frustration.

"What's going on?", Tord asks, freshly waken up, he yawns, "Where is everyone?"

"At work.", I sit, trying to find a response. If I deny the invite, he's just gonna talk shit about me to everyone, the last thing I need in this new city, but I have no  makeup and not a single good outfit to wear.

"You seem really tense... is something wrong?", Tord asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee. 

"My ex just invited me to some stupid party. I don't really want to go.", I explain.

"That's why you should go, to spite him.", He suggests.

"Yeah, but I can't go alone and I have nothing to wear!", I sulk, resting my head on the counter. I hear Tord take a deep breath.

"Look, I know you have your thing with Thomas, but I'd like to go with you.", I looked up at him in disbelief, "and before you say anything, I'll pay for your dress and take you to get a make over. Matt's a professional and runs his own cosmettics place.", My disbelief quickly turned to surprise. "I know you said only in my dreams, but it seems like you have no better options right now.", he handed me my coffee and I rationalized the situation and what this play boy is offering. 

"Alright fine. You got lucky by chance.", I scoff, taking a sip before adding a little more creamer. 

"Whatever works, Sweetheart. Be ready in an hour and we'll go get everything we need.", he said while taking his coffee down the hall to his room. I sigh in disbelief to what I just agreed to. I basically down my coffee before hopping into the shower. Once I get out, I use Matts hair dryer, making sure it's ready to be done at the salon. I quickly get dressed in what I had left from my minimal wardrobe. I step out and almost run into Tord, "I already booked an appointment at Matts salon. He'll be doing your hair and makeup personally.", he assures me, "He knows of the situation."

"Oh God, okay. Let's just get going.", I exclaim heading for the door with my purse. 

Time Skip

We get to the most expensive dress designer in the city, all the prices are killing me inside. He's smiling while browsing through the options. We're not even looking at wedding dresses. 

"How would you pay for any of theses? by sleeping with the CEO?", I ask in disbelief.

"Sweetheart, there's more money in my account than you could fathom. I'd only get the best for such a pretty thing like you.", he smirks.

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