Chapter 4: First Night Over

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"(Y/N), do you wanna have a spa night?", Matt asked with pleading eyes.

"Matt, you know we're having a movie to-", Tom tries to explaining, digging through their movies with Tord.

"We can do both.", I smile, accepting his offer. "We can do some self care before the movies and face masks during, if you'd like.",  he was glowing with joy. 

"Indubitbaly!", he agreed, trying to pull me upstairs, but I don't budge. 

"Wow, you really are excited about self care.", I giggle. 

"Typical.", Tom chuckles.

"Hey! It takes work to be as beautiful as I am!", Matt explains, a tad upset. 

"Okay, okay, lets go.", I say finally getting up to follow him.

I watch as Matt leads her to his room. At least I know he doesn't have the sense to do anything unsavory. I can at least trust Matt no to do anything more than give her makeup advice, if she really cares about that crap. I turn and look at commie, and wonder if I can trust what she told me about him earlier. He had to try something. It's surely happened to every other girl I've brought back to the house. He stops looking for the second movie of the insane zombie pirates from hell franchise and looks up at me. 

"What the hell are you staring at? You're freaking me out...", he mutters. 

"You had to have done something to her while we were gone... What did you do?", I asked as calmly as possible. 

"I didn't do anything, that girl you have is strong willed and resiliant to my charm...", he admited. 

"So you tried it with her?", I gritted my teeth.

"So what? It's not like anything happened.", I was getting pissed off at the thought and he seemed tense about how she didn't sleep with him.

"Don't act like you're so down in the dumps because you didn't have a chance with her."

"Get off my ass! Just be glad she didn't go for it."

"Just please tell me you didn't freak her out or make her uncomfortable to be here."

"No, she laughed at my attempts like I was a joke."

"You're not a joke. You're the whole damn stand up comedy special.", Edd chimed in after getting off the phone with the pizza place. "You shouldn't be deliberately flirting with her to piss off Tom.", I could see Tord attempt to get defensive but I shut him down.

"That's right, commie!", I agreed.

"And Tom, you shouldn't be as controlling or protective. You've been on only one date and spent the night at her place. It doesn't even seem that serious, since she'd rather sleep on the couch.", Edd directed his attention to me. I lowered my head a tad annoyed.

"Yeah, Tommy!", Tord laughed, mocking me. I shot him a glare.

"Can y'all not fight while we have a guest?", Edd pleads, walking into the living room. "Lets just find the movie.", he suggests as he starts searching with Tord.

"I'm gonna get a drink.", I exclaim as I walk into the kitchen. I grab one of the bottles of smirnoff we picked up today and I start taking swigs off the bottle. I turn around and see (Y/N) standing right behind me with a face mask and her pj's on, making me jump a little. "Don't sneak up on me like that, please."

"Aw, I'm sorry Tommy Bear.", she apologizes and kisses my cheek, making me smile. "So are you gonna share the vodka?", she asked with the cutest eyes that would put a puppy to shame.

"Of course, go ahead and take the bottle.", I offer as I grab another bottle down from the shelf. "I'm fully stocked up so that one wouldn't hurt."

"How many bottles do you need?", she asks.

"As many as it takes to get me through the week.", I chuckle, "But you may make it a little more tolorable.~", I kiss her, tasting the sweetness off her toungue. When we finally pull apart, I turn and see Edd staring from the edge of the kitchen. "What the hell Edd?"

"If y'all aren't gonna get a room, expect someone to watch.", I look and see he's holding Ringo but covering her eyes.

"Aw, y'all have a cat!?", (Y/N) blurts out. 

"Oh yeah, this little baby is Ringo. She can be shy around new people.", Edd explains as she gets closer and tries to pet her, but all she gets in return is a hiss and to be ran from. "It's alright, she'll surely warm up to you over the next week.", he assures her then turns to me, "By the way, we got the movies ready, the pizzas on the way, and now all I need to do is make pop corn, so please get out while I work my magic.", he orders for us. I lead her from the kitchen back into the living room.

"Is it true you haven't seen these movies before?", Matt questions her, confused how someone could have gone this long in life without knowing them.

"I haven't even heard of these movies until today.", she admitted. 

"You have to sit next to me! I can explain everything!", Matt offers. 

"I don't think she'd like for someone to be in her ear through the entire trilogy.", Tord cut in to the conversation from the other side of the couch, his voice was butt hurt and defeated. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry Matt, but we can still sit together.", she smiled softly. 

"That would still be fun.", they turned to the sofa and stared at it for a minute. I took the silence to take a swig from my bottle.

"That would be a great idea!", Matt yelled before they both raced down the hall. I give Tord a questioning look and he looks just as puzzled. Before I could see where they went, they race back in the room with spare blankets and pillows. "No one ever wanted to build a pillow fort with me before!", I watch as they basically throw Tord off the couch and begin their construction.

"I've never had anyone to build one with me before!", she exclaimed as they build it up. After they finish making it, Tord answers the door for the pizza delivery guy as I try getting in the fort. "What's the password!", (Y/N) asks, not allowing me in. 

"I have more booze?"

"Incorrect!", Matt shouts as they giggle together. 

"Pizzas here?", Tord also tries to bribe his way into their fort.

"Incorrect!", (Y/N) denies him as well. We sigh and look at each other.

"The popcorns ready.", Edd calls from the kitchen. "Lets get the movies rolling!", he exclaims, carrying in the three bowls of popcorn. We usually only need the two. 

"Movie time!", Matt announces allowing us into the fort, finally. 

"That's still not the password...", (Y/N) pouts, I chuckle at her childish behavior, munching on some pop corn. The fort is actually really comfortable and stable. They did a good job while still being quick with building it. The fort spread from over to infront of the couch with enough sitting room for everyone. I lay back with (Y/N), wrapping my arm around her, she slightly jumped at first until she saw me. "You scared me!"

"Now we're even.", I smirked as I turned my attention to the movie. Matt was laying on the other side of her on his stomach, so he was closer to the TV. Edd sat between me and Tord. We all watched the movie and I could hear her giggling to herself throughout the movie, taking swigs off her bottle of smirnoff. Eventually, the movies were over and I look over to find her fast asleep. As the guys are picking up the food, I take her bottle and screw on the cap before putting it back in the cabinet with her name on it. I place her on the couch and cover her up. I leave a kiss on her forehead before officially leaving the fort for the night. 

New in town (Tom x Reader x Tord) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora