Chapter 5

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"Hey! Quit making so much noise! They'll hear us!" The voice harshly said. There was another thud and somemore mumbling.

"Let's just get this over with!" The young toddler no older than the age of two was sitting on the sand while both of his fathers were on the phone, their backs turned away from him. Two people, a man and a Raccoon to be more specific, snuck up behind the toddler.

The two superheroes who were still unaware of anything, were much too engrossed in their own conversation, previously leaving their son at the sandbox with his toys at his disposal.

The man slowly tapped the toddler on the shoulder. He wore a red jacket and some dark blue jeans. He placed a finger to his lips as the universal sign of keeping quiet. The toddler, getting the message silently squealed. It reached out to the man, demanding to be picked up. The man gladly obliged and took the toddler in his arms. He gave the toddler a small candy and the toddler gladly accepted it, staying silent all the while.

The man and his partner had walked over to their spaceship. As they entered, their teammates stared at him in utter disbelief.

"Quill! We should return the toddler to his parents or else we will be in big trouble!"

"Relax, Gamora. We're only taking him for a ride across the galaxy." Peter proceeded to place tbe child in a small seat, buckling him up as he got into the driver's seat himself.

He flipped some switches and pulled the joystick. The engine purred and lifted off the ground. No one in the park noticed a small spacecraft zooming off into the morning light.

Peter placed the ship on autopilot and proceeded to unbuckle himself. He kneels down in front of the toddler who didn't seemed at all fazed that he was being kidnapped by a group of aliens or better known yet as the Guardians Of The Galaxy.

"Hey there buddy! Your Auntie Gamora thinks that you won't have any fun. But you will. Won't you?" He baby talked to the toddler who nodded his head in response.

"See? Even Peter here thinks that it's a good idea!"

"You can't count in a toddler's opinion."

"I am Groot." Baby Groot said as he offered baby Peter his bucket of M&Ms and slushy.

"Quit offering the kid your slushy!" Rocket yelled from somewhere in the back.

"I Am Groot." He replied as he placed the slushy on the console.

Peter saw the slushy, and when Groot wasn't looking, accidentally knocked off the cup which spilled onto the toddler's shirt. Rocket came out from the back room, saw the mess and groaned. "Groot! What did I tell ya about offering the kid your slushy!? Now you've got his entire shirt dirty!"

"I'll get a spare at Yondu's. Let's pay a visit to the old man."

When the Ravengers saw the toddler, Yondu was not amused. "Boy! Did you kidnap some random ass person's kid?"

"Yondu, this is Peter. Peter Parker. Peter, this is Yondu. The man who raised me for most of my life." The toddler looked up at Yondu and probably wondered why this man was blue. He liked blue. His pops was blue.

Yondu brushed him off. "Just don't let him touch anything on this ship. Ya hear me?" Quill mocks salute and carries Peter in one arm.

Quill carried Peter into his old room and cringed at the slushy stain on the toddler's shirt. He rummaged through his closet and surprisngly found a shirt that was baby sized. He remembered accidentally shrinking one of his old shirts by mistake while he was washing them. It was a shirt that said, "Welcome to the Milano!" With a picture of the Milano and his Star Lord mask with him posing as if he was going to fire his blaster at someone. It was from a talented shirt maker who gave it to him a while back as a thank you gift for saving his life.

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