Mute: The quiet girl

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Why are you so surprised?
Just because she's quiet doesn't mean she doesn't talk. What because she doesn't say much you think she's intelligent. Maybe she struggles just as much as you do, but how would you know? Why is she so quiet? Maybe she's just shy. Maybe your making her nervous because you keep fucking staring at her like being quiet is a crime. Maybe she's afraid of rejection. Or maybe she feels like her past is out to get her. Maybe she feels like shes left out. Like if she was to say a word everyone would laugh. But again, how would you know?
Did you ask her?
I didn't think so.
Maybe she's been abused, used, raped, sexually assulted, mentally and emotionally abused, hurt.
Or Maybe....... She's just shy.
I don't think you'll ever know until you get up from where you are and simply.....ask!
If you can talk to anyone, why the fuck is it so hard to say hello to the quiet girl. You don't know if that hello could make her day, you don't know what that hello does because...... You don't know who she is or what causes her to be so.... Quiet. So what's so bad about saying hello. You think she's gonna start fucking screaming at you because you did..... I don't think so.
So get the fuck up, and say hello!
- MissMuffin❣️

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