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Girls are put to standards. By middle school you should have a slight thought about losing your virginity.
8th grade you might say fuck it and do it.
If not
High School you should have gotten a manz and said we're in love then turn around and have sex in the back of your school.
As I've heard if your not a virgin then your a hoe but if you are a virgin you the cleanest because you didn't fuck every boy you just happen to bump into.
Which then pressures us into think if I don't lose my virginity by 10th grade I'll never be like everyone else.
Ok I can flat out tell you that's bullshit.
I'm still a teenager and I won't lie I am a virgin but I have had my moments.
Just because you were curious doesn't make you a hoe. And I'm pretty sure we can all relate when I say that everyone will cheer a nigga on when he fucked someones else's bitch last night but when a girl says o yea we fucked, it goes around everywhere, everyone finds out and you have people questioning you and saying things about you that aren't even true.
You send nudes because he pressured you to and look what happened.
He sends you a dick pick and yet you never hear a peep from anyone about it.
Except maybe him and his friends compairing all of their dick sizes and lets just be honest that's hella gay.
Point is there is no harm in being curious.
My advice to you is to find the right person first someone you feel like you can put all of your trust into and possibly even your life. Now that doesn't mean go find yourself a boy know him for three months and give up your virginity to him.
What I'm saying is it takes time.
You only know when the moment is right when you are hella confident and know damn well you won't regret shit.
If you question yourself then there is no rushing it. You are ready when you are ready not him. And if he doesn't respect that then we'll.....
I don't think it should be him.
If he encourages you to take your time and when you are ready then he's ready then I say he's a keeper.
I can promise his dick won't fall off anytime soon.
Now I'm not going to sit here and go into detail about what happens when you have sex for the first time because hell I don't even know. But you should talk to someone close about it and not keep it to yourself. It's always good to get a better insight.
Now if your 8 and under reading this.
Please don't go to your mother saying I'm ready to give up my virginity because that's not at all what I said and clearly by the name of this chapter it is a chapter for anyone 14 and up 😅
And just be careful when you sext people.
There is nothing wrong with it, but you also have to trust the person your doing it with because in this day and age a screenshot is so simple and anything you said can be proven and used against you.
I do not want that to happen.
We can't shy it this is a man's world but we gotta make it so that they see us.
So with that being said........always use condoms because getting pregnant 20 and under is not fun especially when you have to tell your parents.
Your body is your possession, no one elses.
Always remember that

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