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I hate it when I tell my best friend my crush and she either laughs, puts me on the spot or says 'ewwww him'
Like... Tf yes HIM.
Everyone has their personal preference. Made you are a beautiful black girl who prefers them lighter or white.
Or maybe you like a real nigga.
Or maybe your an amazingly pretty white girl and you like a real nigga, light skin or asian what does it matter.
What I'm trying to say is that no matter what you are a girl and they, well they will always be boys no matter the age, race or religion.
Ok so sure you like this new kid who happens to be the opposite race of you.
There's no shying it there's nothing wrong with you liking him he's still a boy he's still him although depending on what race we talking about size is a huge difference no pun intended.
Let me tell you something.
Of course I'm a quiet girl so I don't talk much. There was this boy I liked and he was white and I'm African American if we want to be politically correct.
I believed it would never look right if we had hit it off. I tried to go out of my comfort zone and talk to him but he never talked to me. (This will make more sense if you read my other book😉)
Because he never talked to me I believed he didn't like me because of the fact that I was darker or whatever but that wasn't the case.

To a girl, boys are someone who should be able to love us for who we are even when we don't wake up the same person we went to sleep as. He should be able to handle our emotions, our problems, except our love and never give it to another no matter how tempting.
They should be able to accept our good and our bad. Our innocent but our bitchness. But.... Unfortunately. Not everyone can get as lucky as every white Disney princess out there. Right? Because I know it's not just me but any girl would want there life to be a fairytale. Have a good paying job, a loving husband, kids with THE most adorable names that come off the top of your head.
But life isn't handed to girls as easy as we wished it did.
Now lemme tell you something else.
I met this other boy in the same time I had a crush on the same white boy. And of course we 'dated' but it wasn't as real as I thought it was.
He used me. Then did the one thing no girl wants.
He gave my love away to every other girl and the worst part was I knew them all. Of course it caused my insecurities to become worse. But.........
I met this other boy.
And he..... Picked up my broken pieces and I love him to death☺️
( 1year going strong)
Of course I'm not bragging because that's not right to the girls who have it hard on love. So what I have to say to you is......
Don't rush it . Love will find its way to you boy or girl. And if he doesn't treat you right, if he belittles you, pushes you down then you need to know you deserve better. He doesn't deserve you if anything you need to find someone who can love you NO MATTER your flaws, problems emotions whatever. If he can't see your worth then he's not worth it. You can't get those wasted minutes back. Your beautiful you are. Even though I can't see you it doesn't matter you still are beautiful so get the fuck away from his ass because he needs to burn in hell with the rest of his brothers. And if you ever need someone to talk to hit me up in my DM's 💗.You are always loved.

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