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Do you know what it's like to be in love? It's the best feeling you can ever feel. It's the sunshine on your rainy days. It's the rainbow in a black and white picture.

Love makes you feel happy inside. Love makes you feel warm. Love makes you feel welcome in this huge world.

I was in love once. This is how it went:

There was this girl that went to my school. She used to be a loser. And when she was a loser, we were the best of friends. We would go to each other's house to talk about nerdy stuff that we liked. We used to go outside to my treehouse and read our favorite books together. That was before she became the popular girl and left me.

One day, I sat down at the table in the cafeteria, waiting for her. I sat there forever and she never came. I didn't see her all day. Then, three popular boys walked by, whispering things like "She's so hot, though," and "She got so popular in such little time."

I finished my food and went to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and started crying. My best friend had left me. Not only was she my best friend, I loved her.

I knew we would never ever be reunited again. She had left me. I couldn't forgive her. Never.

I opened the bathroom stall and walked out. I went to my next class, and forgot all about her. She had left me anyway. What was the point of thinking about her?

After school, I walked home. By myself. I had no friends to walk with me. I reached my house and opened the door. I walked inside and headed straight for my room. I threw myself on my bed and just thought about the entire day—about my entire life.

After about an hour of laying down on my bed, I got up and walked slowly to the living room. My parents were never home, they were usually at work or doing some super secret thing that I "didn't need to worry about."

I hopped on the couch and looked around. It was always so lonely here. The only place I wasn't lonely was school. That is, before she left me. The last time I had seen my parents was probably more than two years ago. Whenever I felt lonely, I would go to her house. But, right now, I didn't really feel in the mood to do that, even if I was lonely.

I turned on the TV and switched from channel to channel, trying to find something to watch. I finally just ended up putting on the news.

"Local reports have said that a young girl around 16 years old was found dead in her room. It was said to be done purposely—there was a knife next to her bed, and when searched for fingerprints, hers were shown. It was said that she was going through depression and she might've killed herself."

Do you know what it's like to be in love? It's the best feeling you can ever feel. It's the sunshine on your rainy days. It's the rainbow in a black and white picture.

Love makes you feel happy inside. Love makes you feel warm. Love makes you feel welcome in this huge world.

It made me sad that she had killed herself. I had nothing to live for, so I decided that I didn't need to.

The day I saw her again was the beat day of my life. This time, I knew she wouldn't leave me.

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