10 (Not mine)

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This story is not mine, but I knew I should share it. I changed the story to make it longer, as the original had around 50 or less words.


She waited on the sidewalk next to the lamppost in front of the toy shop, just as her boyfriend told her to.

She saw him appear in front of her, as it was dark and he had walked into the light.

"I have a surprise for you," he informed her.

She wanted a ring. She loved him. She wanted him to propose.

He held out his hands, revealing a cute little teddy bear. He put it in her arms and she looked at it, open mouthed.

"I hate it!" She threw the bear on to the road. Her boyfriend went to retrieve it, but was suddenly hit by a car.

At his funeral, she held the teddy bear in her hands, crying. The bear had a note sewn into his hands that said 'will you marry me?' and a ring inside.

Sad Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora