6 (III)

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This is a story I wrote called 5 days.


5 days.

5 days is all you have.

5 people.

1 each day.

Convince me, and you all win.

See? It's simple. Just like a board game.

Let's start, shall we?

Day One-Jake.
I arrived at school and looked around. Everyone was staring at me. I walked to my first period class and sat down.

   Ten minutes into class, I raised my hand and asked if I could use the restroom. The teacher said yes and I stood up. I eyed my friend, Jake, and pointed my eyes towards the door. He nodded.

   I walked into the bathroom and stood next to the sinks. The door opened and my Jake came in.

   "Please," he said. "You don't have to do this. I know I can convince you, but please."

   "Answer?" I asked.

   He sighed. "I've known you since third grade. You're my only true friend. You know how my family is. I can't live without you."

   "Reasonable." I stared at him. "I'll take that into consideration, since you and I have known how much we hate each other since the grade of third."

   Jake laughed. "Okay. Just, please. You know how much you mean to me."

   "There's still four more."

Day Two-Natasha.
I walked into school. There was three days left after today for me to make my decision. I sat down at my table and asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher nodded and I eyed Natasha. She followed me to the bathroom.

   "I don't think I should be in the men's restroom," she said.

   "Does it really matter?" I asked.

   "No, no. I just—Never mind. Anyway, um, you are the smartest, funniest person I know. You have a perfect life, you're handsome, and you deserve a life that brings many miracles."

   "Good enough."

Day Three-Sam.
Around twelve minutes into class, Sam came into the classroom and said he 'needed me in the office'. We walked to the bathroom together and walked inside.

   "Please," he said. "Don't do it." He started crying. "You're my best friend. My only friend!"

   "That's it?" I asked. He wiped his face with his sleeves and looked at me.

   "No. No, no, no, no, no. Um, uh, you—oh! You are, like, the only person in this whole school that is funny, smart, anything at all. Have you seen anyone else here with anything higher than a D+?"


   "Exactly! You're the smartest human being on the planet!"

   "Flattered. Now leave. That was good, but there's still two left."

Day Four-Lucas.
I raised my hand during 4th period and asked to use the restroom. The teacher nodded and I stood up and walked out of the room. I waited outside if the bathroom and saw my friend Lucas walk up to me.

   "Why are you doing this? Why can't you—."

   "Sh, sh, sh. Let's go inside." We walked inside the bathroom and he continued talking.

   "My reason is that you—you are the greatest person I've ever met. Smart, smart, smart, and, uh, did I say smart?"

   "Yes. I'm pretty sure you did."

   "Oh, okay. Anyway, you're also funny, funny, funny and funny."

   "I get it," I said.

   "And lastly, you're smart, smart—."

   "Get lost."

Day Five-Joanne
I walked into the bathroom. I looked around and heard crying in a stall.

   "Hello?" I walked over to the stall with the crying. I knocked on it and waited.

   "What?" The person inside asked. "What do you want?" They stopped crying.

   "What's going on? Why are you—." The door opened and I looked inside the stall. I saw my girlfriend Joanne sitting down. Her arms were down and her right hand was balled into a fist. She opened her hand and I saw a bunch of blood. There was a piece of glass in her hand. "Oh, I see."

   We agreed to do something together. She broke her glass in two and we cut deeper and deeper together until the time came.

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