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Summary: A letter from Dean has the reader thinking the worst possibilities, but also has her thinking about the events leading up to this point.

Word Count: 361

Warnings: Fluffy and a bit angsty.

A/N: This is the very first chapter of Rebel Heart. The whole plot probably didn’t make any sense, but trust me it will in the end. This is also written for @canadianspnhunter‘s challenge. Hope you guys enjoy this short little prologue.

The minute I received the mail that morning I knew something was wrong. I had gotten a letter from Dean. He was my best friend and coworker, but I’ll get into that soon. If I was getting a letter from Dean it had to mean something bad. Plus no one uses letters anymore. Well I guess we would have to. See I’m what they call a rebel.

The rebellion is a bunch if small battles against a much bigger cause. We fight monsters. Anything from Vamps to the lesser known Leviathans. The top dog though, Dragons. Eve is who we call the ultimate ruler of these things though she is the mother of dragons.
Eve is the ruler of the huge biomes specific to those types of monsters. You know,  demons live in caves, Naga live in deserts, werewolves live in forests etc.
The letter was a strange thing to receive especially from Dean, so I read it with caution.

Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this it could mean one of two things, I’ve been kidnapped or worse dead. I have done all I can do for our cause. Now it’s up to you to stop Eve at all costs. There are very specific people you have to see in order to know exactly how to kill her, but it can be done. Along with the dragons. I know you can do this. You really are who they said you were. make me proud and take these evil sons of bitches down, once and for all. I hope you can accept that I am happy with the way my life went. You made my life worth the fight. You brought meaning to it when I thought that it didn’t have one and I was just supposed to be the good little soldier like I was told to be. I can’t even remember how or why I got into the Rebellion in the first place. I always felt alive around you. Now get out there and show them what you’re made of.


Now I knew I had to take her down and I know just who to go to.

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