Chapter 3

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Summary: After an exciting night, Dean determines it might not be safe for you to be alone and purposes something that has you questioning who really is the bad guy in the situation.

Warnings: language, angst, reader is not a game player

Word Count: 1755

It really was a long night. I ended up crashing shortly after Dean had made the couch. I’m surprised to say that it wasn’t that bad, but being without my phone was hard. He let me borrow a t-shirt and sweatpants to sleep in which was really nice of him.

I got up to go take a shower before heading back home, but when I glanced at the table I saw a note.


I had to head to work, but please do not go home. It’s not safe enough for you yet. Here’s a charger for your phone. I’ll be there after work. Today I get off at noon. Gabriel was told to cover my shift after he brings all the kids back from school. I know it’s a lot to ask but please trust me on this.


P.S. Your clothes are in the dryer.

This is just great. Well at least I have a charger and...oh my gosh. Gabriel! I forgot to text him after work last night. He’s probably worried sick about me. I ran to an outlet and plugged the charger in. The second my phone turned on, I had over 30 text messages from him. Basically asking me where I was and why I wasn’t responding to his texts.

I responded saying something happened and my phone died, but it wasn’t a good idea to talk about it. I told him I would tell him everything once it blows over.
It didn’t take him long to respond: “Okay, but if I find out you and that new guy hooked up last night I’m gonna be pissed.”

We didn’t hook up, but I did stay at his house. Hm, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all. This is the worst week of my life. First my whole work life changes and now I’m wanted by this guy, who Dean claims to be an evil henchman.


I was sitting on the couch playing on my phone when Dean burst through the slamming it shut, and frantically walking around his apartment. I got up and followed him to his room just as he pulled a duffle out from under his bed. He just started to fill it with clothes, still not a word was spoken.

“Come on, we’re going to your house to get your stuff and we’re leaving.”

That’s all he said, and I actually wasn’t gonna argue if he was taking me home.

“Finally, I’ve felt claustrophobic in this tiny apartment.”

“Yeah well don’t get used to it. Where we’re going you have to share the place with several other people.”

“Wait, what?” I was so confused as to what he was talking about.

“Just go get several pair of clothes and come right back out. We don’t have that much time.” Dean ordered, and I didn’t argue with him.

I ran in grabbed my duffle from the closet and packed all my necessities. I had no idea where the hell we were going, but I knew something was wrong. No one just tells you up and leave your home for no reason.

I ran back out and locking all of my doors. I didn’t know how long I was gonna be gone but I couldn’t take any chances, so I ended up locking my windows as well.

“We can take my car depending on how far we have to go, it has…”

“No, where we’re going we go on foot. I would say we should wait till dark, but we have to leave now.”

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