Chapter 7

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Pairing; eventual Dean x reader

Summary: The last two months have been non stop go, go, go. You have been going on every mission possible and are almost ready to make that final step towards officially becoming a Rebel. Something happens that might set you back. Are you going to overcome it or are you gonna let it stand in your way?

Warnings: None unless you count trust issues

Word Count: 1159

Things had been going great these past few months, and Dean and I have been getting along better than ever. Today was my last mission before my agility test before I can officially become a Rebel. Dean says there is no reason I shouldn’t past that test.

Today was a hunt, which consisted of capturing and relocating a few rogue Vamps back where they belong before they lure people out from beyond the border and kill them for food. The team consisted of Dean, Wesson, Cas, and I working together to get the job done fast so no one gets hurt.

“Singer gave the general direction of where to find these blood suckers so we can get them back. Question remains why are they so far away from their home?” Dean said giving us insight on the meeting he had with Bobby. It’s so weird hearing everyone call him Singer when I’ve always known him as Bobby, but I guess it’s more polite and gives him that authoritative status.

“Yeah good question, also question for you Winchester, why does she get to sit in the front now she isn’t even a true Rebel yet, she shouldn’t have that privilege yet and…”

“Enough. If I say she rides shotgun she rides shotgun. End of discussion!” Dean yelled at Cas who immediately sat back and looked out the window keeping quiet about the whole situation.


“I got this one you guys get the rest.” I shouted running in the opposite direction, while the rest ran towards the other three vamps.

These things were fast, but something just didn’t feel right. He kept looking back at me and smiling like he was making sure I was following him. The whole thing just felt off, yet I still continued to chase after him just be sure he didn’t do anything.

I chased him for what seemed like forever before he took a turn and I lost him. It gave me a second to catch my breath, but I was still on high alert just in case I heard screaming or rustling in the brush.

There was total silence for a long time, but then I heard a twig snap behind me. I whirled around prepared to fight the vamp, but there was no one there. I must have been going crazy, and hearing things that weren’t really there.

“I believe you’re looking for me,” a female voice said beside me.

I turned towards the voice and there stood a women dressed in a white dress. She had long brown hair, and looked like she was a princess minus the fancy shoes, actually she didn’t have any shoes on.

“Don’t worry I’m not here to hurt you. I want to talk to you about the Rebels you’re working with.”

“I’m not working with any Rebels. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“So you’re just running around and chasing a vampire for no apparent reason?”

“Yes because I don’t want people getting hurt because he wants them as dinner.”

“Smart, but I feel like I don’t believe you. Ketch tells me differently.”

“Ketch really isn’t a reliable source of information.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Do you know what he is?”

“Yes actually I do. He works for me I should know.”

“So you’re Eve?”

“Yes I am.”

“You’re not what I pictured when thinking of the Ruler of All Dragons.”

“I'll take that as a compliment.”

She looked me up and down as if she were making sure I was a perfect meal for that vamp. It made me feel really uncomfortable.

“I wanted to meet you myself. Ketch told me so much about you. What I don’t understand is why you’re hanging out with those Rebels?”

“Maybe because Ketch has put my life in danger and put a price on my head.”

“Ketch wouldn’t do such a thing without my say’re talking about the leviathans aren’t you?”

“Yeah they kind of said that there was a price on my head. Everyone says that they’ll do anything for you, for the right price.”

“That is true, but I don’t want you dead. I just wanted to talk. Hanging out with these Rebels is going to ruin you. I think you’re very sweet and I would hate to be your enemy.”

“Yeah I bet. So the vampires were just a way for me to get to talk to you without those Rebels around?”

“You sound like you don’t like these Rebels though you seem to care about Winchester. Though, I don’t see why he is such a troublemaker. He most likely is the runner of the whole operation.”

“What is it that you wanted to talk about anyways?”

“I wanted to meet you. I wanted to know that you truly weren’t associating yourself with them.”

“Well, I’m not so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Good. I hope we meet again Y/N. You seem like a good ally. I am always looking for good allies.”

“Yeah I hope to meet you again soon Eve.”
And as quickly as she appeared she was gone. It was like I just came out of a daze. It felt like time stood still, and it didn’t feel real. It was a really weird feeling.

“YN,” I heard a voice yell in the distance.

“I’m over here.”

“Thank god. Where’s the Vamp?” Dean said appearing around the corner.

“I lost him. I was on his tail and then he made a sharp turn and then he was gone. I have no idea where he went.”

“That’s okay. I’m sure we’ll find him.” He said looking around to find signs of him.

“Winchester.” Wesson shouted coming around the corner shock written on his face.

“What’s wrong Wesson?” I asked noticing the shock.

“The vamps vanished.”

“What do you mean vanished?” Dean asked getting freaked.

“We were loading them up, turned to grab our gear to put in the back with the, and when we turned back around they were gone. Just vanished.”

“That makes no sense. Are you sure they didn’t just escape?” Dean asked now getting angry.

“No we would’ve seen them if they did.”

“Everything is starting to make sense now.” I chimed in putting the pieces together.

“What makes sense Y/N?” Dean looked to me concerned.

“Eve’s behind all of this. I’ve just had this horrible feeling the entire time.”

“She’s right you know? Eve can manipulate the environment around her.” Cas spoke up.

“We should get her out of here then before Eve comes and and tortures her.” Dean said grabbing my hand and leading me back to the Jeep.

All I wanted was to leave this place. I was uncomfortable and freaked out about my encounter with the Ruler of All Dragons. I just couldn’t shake the feeling she gave me, and frankly I didn’t want to believe a word she was saying. I just don’t know who to trust anymore.

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