Chapter 10

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Pairing: Dean x reader

Summary: After the fiasco that was your last field trip, you’re ready to get back to the school routines. Everyone was still a little shaken, but a new girl that came for the summer has taken a liking to you and what she hides beneath the surface is absolutely horrifying.

Warnings: Angst, language.

Word Count: 1465

A/N: This is the final part to Rebel Heart. I will be posting the first chapter to Rebellious Soul here in a few weeks. I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it. Enjoy!

This week has been super hectic, and I was so glad the kids were back to school. It was sad that those sixth graders were gone. It was always hard to say goodbye to students, but luckily for me there was a new student who started over the summer, and would be here for the remainder of the year. Her name was Lilith, and she seemed very fond of me which made me a little uncomfortable.

“Good morning Ms. Y/N,” she greeted.

“Why good morning Lilith.” I greeted back trying to act normal.

“Oh so this is the teacher you were talking about?” asked her mom.

“Yes mommy she’s the nice one. I don’t like the man that works back with her.” I knew she was talking about Dean because he was the only man who has been working back there with me since she has been here.

“Is there a problem out here?” Mr. Turner asked coming out to see what was taking me so long.

“I think we need to discuss the fact that one of your employees makes my daughter uncomfortable.”

“Well I can fire Y/N here if that fixes everything you will never have to see her again.”

“Not her the man that works with her.”

“Mr. Winchester? He is a good employee. I would fire her faster than I would fire him.”

“You fire him then I will quit.” I retaliated.

“If she quits I quit.” Dean said coming out to check on us.

“No one is getting fired or quitting. Now you two inside now!” Mr. Turner ordered, and we did what we were told.

“What was that all about?” Dean asked me as we walked back to our section.

“Nothing, it’s just Lilith says you make her uncomfortable.”

“Really? That’s odd.”

“You’re telling me.”

“Ms. Y/N you are to work later today as per request of Lilith’s parents. Just until they get here to pick her up.”

“Oh okay.”

“I will wait here with you, but I will be in the front. You are to keep her entertained till they get here.”

“Yes Mr. Turner.” I said and he walked back to the front.


It was what seemed like the longest day of the week though, it was supposed to go by fast because it was almost Friday.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you?” Dean asked on the other side of the fence from the playground.

“Yeah just head home and I’ll meet you there after work. It won’t be till after six, but I will be there I promise.”

“You better.” He said leaning in to give me a peck on the lips before he started to walk to my house.

“Why do you like him so much?” Lilith said spooking me.

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