Boruto meets Future Boruto!

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Future Boruto had hid in a bush to follow Boruto and Sarada.

"...Kawaki should have been attack" Future Boruto muttered.

Boruto and Sarada are walking to the training field. Future Boruto stops them at the last second.

Boruto gets scared and trys to punch Future Boruto but, Future Boruto dodges easily.

Sarada then, uses fire style fire ball justu and Future Boruto stops the fire ball by slicing with his sword.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Said Boruto.

"...You" said Future Boruto.

Boruto then passes out with knowing his future self is here.

Future Boruto wakes up Boruto with water and Boruto hides behind Sarada.

"Idiot, he explained everything to me" said Sarada.

"Yes, I am you from the future...a not-good future" said Future Boruto.

"Wait, I LOOK SO, BADASS" said Boruto.

"Will you please focus on the problem at hand" said Sarada.

"So, a villain named Kawaki will destroy the ninja world in this time period...but, I guesss I am early" said Future Boruto.

"Or your too late" said Boruto trying to be smart.

Sarada hits Boruto on the head and They start arguing.

(Did I really use to be that dumb) Future Boruto thought.

Then, out of nowhere, Mitsuki wraps around Future Boruto and puts a kunai to his neck.

"Mitsuki, that's me!" Said Boruto.

"A future version, who is way cuter than this Boruto." said Sarada.

Mitsuki lets go of Future Boruto and apologizes.

"Sorry, couldn't tell if you was an enemy or not" said Mitsuki.

"It's ok, you always were like that." Said Future Boruto.

Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki and Future Boruto go to a abandon cabin to talk in private.

" the "future" what do I I famous, an actor or something cool?" Said Boruto.

"Nothing like that...just a shinobi protecting the leaf" said Future Boruto.

"Am I like my dad or mom?" said Sarada.

"Your dad in fighting, your mom in everything else you in the Future." Said Future Boruto.

"Do I do something great?" Said Mitsuki.

"...Yeah" said Future Boruto.

"So, what about that Kawaki guy?" Said Boruto.

"I guess, we have a good half Month to train to defeat Kawaki" said Future Boruto.

"Well, just leave it to me!" Brag Boruto.

Sarada sighs as he thinks he could stop Kawaki alone.

"I defeated a god, shark, and I am just awesome." Said Boruto.

"You didn't do that had help" said Future Boruto.

"How do you kno...Oh, your from the Future." Said Boruto.

Boruto then, looks at Future Boruto's arm and sees a tattoo.

"Where, you get the tattoo." Said Boruto.

"Not tattoo...curse mark" said Future Boruto.

"Did I get that in the Future?" Said Boruto.

"No...when Momoshiki touch our arm." Said Future Boruto.

Sarada and Mitsuki then, looks at Boruto.

"That's enough for the day...we should go home. Also, Future Boruto stay in the cabin." Said Boruto.

Boruto rush to his house while, Sarada and Mitsuki walk.

Future Boruto had slept when, they left.

"....You shall know true pain, Naruto Uzumaki" said Pain.

Naruto gets ready to defeat Pain but, is stop by none other than Kawaki.

"Pain, you will show the ninja world pain, if join me" said Kawaki.

"How, can I trust you" said Pain.

"Lets just say, I can see the Future." Said Kawaki.

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