[Dark Wars] Future Boruto Vs Kawaki

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Kawaki has teleported him and Future Boruto to a location not of the ninja world.

"Why are we here?" Said Future Boruto.

"TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH" Yelled Kawaki.

Kawaki charges at Future Boruto and they clash with both they swords.

Kawaki goes to cut the neck but, Future Boruto dodges and kicks Kawaki back.

"ENOUGH GAMES!!" Said Future Boruto.

Future Boruto uses Chidori and Kawaki clashes the chidori with his sword and they jump back.

"We are evenly matched." Said Kawaki.

"No, I just haven't reach my full potential." Said Future Boruto.

Kawaki gets angry and stabs Future Boruto with his sword to the shoulder.

"AHHHH!!!!!" Yelled Future Boruto.

"It takes the strong to survive and fight the battles for the weak...or kill the weak off" said Kawaki.

Future Boruto grabs the sword and breaks it. Kawaki then, puts Future Boruto in a choke hold.

"It is over, you have failed your past and Present." Said Kawaki.

"I haven't failed yet..." Future Boruto muttered.

Future Boruto then Chidoris himself to hit Kawaki and he gets a direct hit.

Kawaki falls down to the ground with a hole in his chest while, Future Boruto has one too.

"...That was a bold move" said Kawaki.

"I had to stop you..." said Future Boruto.

"Even, if I die...you can't safe the leaf or the world..." said Kawaki.

Kawaki finally dies with his last breath.

Future Boruto smiles than, gets a massive seizure and his jougan starts to shoot out lighting.

Future Boruto wakes up in a black space...with Future Sarada standing in front of him.

"Did you end, him?" Asked Future Sarada.

"...Yes." said Future Boruto.

"How much did it cost?" Said Future Sarada.

"...Everything." said Future Boruto.

Future Sarada then disappears into nothing and Future Boruto starts to disappear too.

Future Boruto smile as he disappear into nothing.

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