Chapter Six

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Everyone was already seated when Mia came down for dinner, Nick wore a goofy smile on his face as he stuffed chicken in to his mouth and Aunt Suzanne looked at him like he has turned in to a maniac. She walked over and settled down on the place between Nick and Xander. The servers quickly filled her plate while she muttered a quick thank you to them.

"Nick said that you had something to tell Starr"

Mia looked up at Sebastian who was sitting at the head of the table. "Well, I was thinking about moving in here because-"

"Because" Nick interrupted her. "Her staying alone is not just potentially dangerous to herself but also her neighbours." He finished with a smack on his arm from Mia.

"Oh my baby" Aunt Suzanne cried out before dropping her spoon, walking over to Mia and engulfing her in a hug. "I can't tell you how much tensed I stayed when she lived alone. She's just a kid afterall" She muttered after she had finished hugging Mia and returned to her table.

Mia sighed. She loved her aunt, but she probably still saw her as a toddler who needed constant babying around. Nick probably inherited his over caring nature from her because he didn't have, even the tinge of levelheadedness as his father.

However the perks of living at the Wilsons were never ending and that's what she was afraid of. She liked doing things on her own, she cooked bad but hey, practice makes a man perfect. Luxury was never really her thing. Although she couldn't go without sleep and hence, moving in was the best solution she had at the moment.

The promise to move in with the Wilsons gave Mia the unlimited access to the dessert. Suzanne and Sebastian were ecstatic even though they knew it was only until Mia got in to a college, which meant just a few more months but that didn't dull their happiness. Nick and Xander were enlisted to help her in her moving, even though Nick persisted on the fact that Xander didn't need to help Mrs. Knight stayed unmoving on her decision.

Leah and her sister Catherine would be there too, Lucas however couldn't be present because he was presently vacationing in some sunny beach. Mia had just got off from FaceTime-ing Lucas when she heard the noise. The thud of iron hitting the carpeted floor. It didn't take her much to recognise where the source was. Her room at the Wilson's place was next to the gym and surely Nick was lifting weights.

Mia pulled the comforter off her body and stepped down. She was drowsy and would have gone to sleep by now if it wasn't for the noise. She unlocked her door noisily and walked over the next room, not bothering to knock while entering. "I can't fucking sleep Ni-" She paused when Xander dropped the weight bar from his hand and turned to look at her.

She closed her gaping mouth and cleared her throat. "Uhh.. well-"

"I'm just finishing up" He said before turning back and picking up the towel near him.

Mia muttered an weak 'okay' before turning around.

"I'm sorry if I disrupted your sleep" She stiffened before turning around to meet his gaze. "You'd pass out of exhaustion if you miss more of it"

"No it's alright" Mia cleared her throat, her words were coming out gravelly. "I was talking- Do I look that much sleep deprived?" She asked, shocking herself.

"You do." He walked over to Mia, brushing his shoulder against hers as he stepped out of the doorway Mia stood against. "Have good sleep Mia" He muttered before walking away.

Mia waited till he was out of the sight, then she lazily walked back to her room. She slipped in to the bed and raised the comforter up to her head. Sleep lulled her in within a few moments.

Mia didn't have to look at the clock to know that it was almost afternoon when she woke up, probably aunt Suzanne or uncle Sebastian didn't let anyone wake her up. She rolled out of the bed, picked her clothes for the day and walked in the bathroom.

Once she was done with her morning routine and shower, she headed downstairs. Sebastian and Jonathan were sitting with huge cups of coffees in front of the fireplace. "Did you sleep well sweetheart?" Sebastian asked when he noticed Mia descending the stairs.

"I had a perfect sleep and good morning gentlemen" She chirped, walking over to Sebastian. "Where's everyone else?"

"The ladies are in the garden and the kids left for your house. I'll call for your breakfast then you can go join them" True to his word Sebastian called one of the house staffs to serve Mia her breakfast, once she was done she asked one if the drivers to drop her. Since she was going to bring back her car here she couldn't drive there by herself.

She noticed Nick's Mercedes, Leah's Bug and the Rover which was probably Xander's because she saw it the day he came. She asked the driver to return home before walking down the familiar steps to her home. However she stopped mid step when Leah jumped out on her all of a sudden.

"Oh my god I missed you so freaking much, and oh god you're moving in finally, thank heavens I won't have to listen to Nick rant about that anymore. However he did ask me to gut you about Xander"

"Can't. Breathe"

Finally Leah released her anaconda hold on Mia. "Don't even dare to blame me for being over excited" She huffed.

Mia rolled her eyes. "How do you get so much energy, that too early in the morning"

Leah crossed her arms on her chest. "My best friend has a new crush, obviously I'm energetic to set you up" She chirped, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I do not have a crush" Mia groaned, resulting in an glare from Leah. "Well yeah, he's good looking but nah, I'm not going in to that kinda stuff"

"What kinda stuff?"

Both of them turned to see Nick walking out with an monster sized box.

"What the heck is in that thing?" Leah asked.

"Her tv" He muttered before walking over to Xander's car and carefully placing the box in the back seat. "Xander would be taking all the electronic stuff"

As if on cue, Xander stepped out with another box. Leah's sister Catherine followed him with another small box. Once both the boxes were kept properly on the backseat Catherine walked over to the others and Xander climbed the driver's seat.

"I'll be going with Xander for dropping the things" She muttered with the same excitement as one has after winning a lottery before winking and running off to the car.

"Someone's got a new crush" Nick muttered, staring at Catherine's retreating frame.

Leah noted that Mia had one of the gravest frowns on her face, poked her with her elbow and wiggled her eyebrows. Mia replied with an eye roll. "I'll go and pack my clothes" Mia said before turning around and disappearing in the house.

Nick walked over to Leah and wrapped his arm around her waist before she could escape. "Did she tell anything about Xander?"

She huffed. "And for the millionth time, that's none of your business Mister"

"You know he's not right for her, you know why exactly-"

Leah cut Nick's ramble off with a quick kiss on his lips. "If things go that far, I'd tell you"

"It'd be a disaster if you tell me too late" His voice came softer this time as he rested his forehead against hers.

"You're getting hyper without any reason" She assured.

Nick shook his head. "You should've seen the way they looked at each other the first time"

"Like I'd-rip-your-clothes-off kind of stare?" Leah joked.

"No Leah, I'd not have been worried this much if it were that but it was different." Nick sighed. "She looked at him like he was more than enough, and isn't that where all the trouble starts from?"

"Calm down baby" Leah mumbled. "And you'd have been worried if it was a I'd-rip-your-clothes-off stare too!" She laughed making Nick roll his eyes as he followed her back in to the house.

Gravitating : Book 1 (The Defying Series)Where stories live. Discover now