Chapter Four

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Mia didn't have the courage to go back to her place, she loved the sleep she got here. Even though she woke up a few times at night, she could fall asleep again. However she had to try, she shouldn't get too used to the comfort, who knew what she'd end up losing the next?

A deep sigh escaped her lips, Mia hated being so pessimistic. She had always been a dreamer, but life changes your perspective sometimes. Nowadays she felt like she needed to have herself prepared for the worst.

Suzanne had brought breakfast to her bed like she did most of the days. She knew Mia was a late riser and she hardly got up in time to get herself ready before breakfast. They chatted about trivial things before Suzanne asked her to get ready and left the room.

It has been two weeks since she Sebastian had picked her up from her house. The guests, or Nick's cousin's family was going to turn up today. The finishing touches to the guest bedrooms were being made as Mia prepared herself for the day.

She settled with a navy sweatshirt and some grey jeans, at least with the cold weather Suzanne won't try to put her in to a dress. Halfway through her messy bun Nick stumbled in the room, watching her like an object of experiment as she added the finishing touches to her bun.

"What?" She finally asked him.

"Why do you make a bun and mess it up later?" He asked, with the epitome of confusion evident on his face.

"I don't expect you to understand that pea brain"

Nick rolled his eyes as Mia laughed. "Are you exited about seeing your cousin?" She asked.

"Are you?" Nick echoed. His lips set in a plain line.

Mia was unaware of her best friend's expression as she fixed her bed. "Yes I guess, Aunt Suzanne's excitement is getting me and I want to see them"

"I guess, mom's been preparing things ever since they said they'd come. Mia-" Nick paused to grab Mia by her elbow and turn her to him. "Is there anything you're hiding from me?"

"Ofcourse not" She lied, prying her hand away from Nick's strong grip. "I've not hidden things from you since I learnt to speak" She grinned.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, understatement of the century."

"Will you drop me at the Library?" Mia asked, diverting the topic. "They aren't coming until four, I'll be back before that"

"Alright, let me grab my jacket"

An hour later Mia found herself in her usual place, sitting with an Agatha Christie novel today at the far end of the Library. She had been coming here for the last two years, and again it was one of the things she liked to do alone. She was glad that Nick had gotten used to the idea now. The librarian, Mrs Goodwill was known to her and she sometimes got coffee for Mia when she stayed long. She also sat down with Mia sometimes and talked about her favourite authors, but both of them never shared more than that.

An hour or so later her coffee arrived, along with a kind smile from Mrs Goodwill. Mia stayed for another hour, before collecting the books she wanted to borrow and walking towards the counter. Nick was already waiting for her outside even though she had told him not to bother about picking her up. His overprotective brother instincts kicked him all the time. Somehow she had always been fragile to him, both physically and emotionally. Especially after his whole self destructive episode.

"Hey monkey" Mia grinned, when Nick looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrow at her.

"Don't call me that again" He grumbled, taking the pile of books from her and dropping them on the back seat. "Mom wanted me to pick you up a little more early, but I knew you wouldn't come out before time anyway so I came late"

"Did she need my help?"

"Nah" Nick shrugged. "You skipped your lunch, and you know how she feels about that"

Mia cringed. She'd get an earful when she got home, unless the arrival of the guests postponed it. She was perfectly healthy but Suzanne always thought that she wasn't eating enough.

"They'd be there before we reach"

Mia's eyes widened. "Drive fast Nick, I skipped lunch and if I get late now, Aunt Suzanne will throw hell over my head"

The grin on Nick's face was way too big. "I'd like to watch that, since it's always me who get's the hell over his head"

"Pig." She grumbled. "It's not my fault that you're a trouble maker"

"Can't you handle bit of a joke?"

"I've suffered enough of your jokes Nick" The flat monotone of Mia's voice discouraged Nick to speak further.

They stopped at a familiar furniture store to pick some pillows, Nick refrained her from going inside. Mia laughed at the memory of why Nick had a scowl on his face everytime he came across this store. When Mia was shifting to her new home, they had come to shop here with Suzanne. Nick was gone in search of towels, while Mia and Suzanne started billing the other things. The cashier, a guy probably an year or two older than Mia had mistaken them to be sisters and was almost done asking them to come to his party when Nick slammed the packet of purple towels on the counter and screamed "That's my mom moron"

She hadn't stepped in that store ever again.

Nick came out of the store, the frown intact on his face. He dropped the bag in the back seat, careful not to touch the books since they were Mia's life. One scratch and he'd be dead with the verbal abuse that she will throw at him. No one has got the heart strong enough to bear Mia's temper tantrum when her books were hurt.

"That goddamn son of a-, he still works here"

Mia scoffed. "Right, probably doesn't even remember you. Stop being fussy about it"

"He does, handed over the register to his friend when he saw me"

She shook her head and concentrated on the hills they'd soon drive on. Nick always had a promising face, his smile could calm you after a disturbing nightmare but there was this side of him even Mia was afraid of. The side of him that came out just before high school. It scared her to death, and she avoided everything that could bring out that side of him. It had been easier with Leah around.

"They're here" Nick said. "Just arrived"

Mia looked up to see the majestic black Rolls Royce standing in front of them. Nick crossed the car and parked a little ahead. As Mia got out of her car, she spotted Suzanne and Sebastian easily.

"Put your hair down Mia, it looks like a birds nest" Nick prompted while handing over the books to the butler that joined them along with the packet from the store.

With a glare thrown at Nick's direction Mia let her hair down and ran her hands through it. She didn't want to disappoint Suzanne. The first guest Mia noticed, was almost identical to her Uncle Sebastian in physique. Broad shoulders, and a height that could intimidate anyone easily, however his face was so calm and his greeting smile so relaxing that Mia did not feel the need to be intimidated. She returned his smile with one of her own.

"Mia" Sebastian called out, pulling her to his side and placing his hand proudly on her shoulders. "This is my brother, Jonathan Knight"

"Ah, finally an end to the word pictures Sebastian had provided me with. The last time I had seen you, you couldn't stand on your own and was sleeping peacefully in your grandfather's arms." Jonathan's voice was deep, and yet soothing. His very presence was making Mia comfortable in meeting strangers for the first time. She muttered a thank you, but didn't linger her gaze on Jonathan's face too long. However she managed to notice that his face had no similarities with Sebastian.

"She has grown up beautifully" Mia turned to the speaker, a tall woman with porcelain skin and eyes so beautiful, that they could put an artist's imagination to shame. The woman walked to her, all while looking at her adoringly. "Though she looks a bit pale don't you think Suzanne"

"Oh don't tell Scarlet, I'm tired of running behind her three times a day with her meals. She had the nasty habit of skipping them"

Nick chuckled beside Mia and she raised her face up to glare at him. However stopped midway to a sight, she'd probably repent all throughout her life for seeing.

Gravitating : Book 1 (The Defying Series)Where stories live. Discover now