Chapter 3

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Kylie POV

"Way to go Kylie. You just growled in front of your best friend." Clary said as the door closed behind me.

"Well you know, if you hadn't of agitated me I wouldn't have growled." I replied.

"Regardless of the reasons, you should be more careful. You know we can't expose the existence of werewolves to humans." Clary said with her hands on her hips.

I sighed and said, "Alright, alright I'll try to be more careful. However try not to provoke me in public will you?"

"No promises." Clary said, walking to the kitchen with a smirk on her face. "Seems that mom and dad are not home right now." she called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, following her to the kitchen and sitting on one of the chairs by the table.

"Hey Kylie, you think you have an idea on who your mate may be?" she asked as she looked at me when she got a cup of milk from the fridge.

"Nope. And I couldn't anyways. Neither of us can. We are unable to find our mate until we turn 17. I still have to wait a few more months before I could think about who it is. We both do." I replied.

"And what will you do if it's not Derrick?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

That had me frozen on the spot. I never really thought about that. Oh my poor Derrick is gonna get his heart  broken when that happens!

"I don't know. I hope that he is my mate though. Humans can be our mates too." I said in a hopeful tone. Clary had on a look of hesitation as I said my last sentence. "What?" I asked.

"Well you are right about one thing. Human mates are possible, but..... never mind." She said, waiving me off before going back upstairs.

'What the heck was that all about?' I thought as I stared after her.


Jason's POV

"Home!" I called out as I entered my house.

"Hey sweetie. How's my baby doing?" my mom asked as she came from around the steps.

"Mom. I'm not a baby. And I'm fine." I said to her.

"You're always gonna be my baby Jason, regardless on how old you are." my mom said to me. She then turned around and went back to wherever she was before.

"Gets annoying doesn't it." came another voice from above. I looked up and there was Jackson, looking down from the railing on the second floor. "She's been saying the same stuff to me for years. Nice to know she loves us, but sometimes you need a break from it."

"Not gonna happen boys!" our mom called out. I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs.

"So, any luck with her?" Jackson asked as we ventured into my room. It did not take any time at all for me to realize who 'her' was that he was referring to.

"Yep, there was luck. And it's all bad." I said in a grumpy tone. "Stupid Derrick Rodgers."

Jackson stifled a chuckle as he heard the last part of my statement. "I don't think that she will be with him for long though dude." he said.

I quickly shot my head in his direction. "Why?" I asked.

"Because he's an absolute asshole. That's why." he answered casually as if it were a well-known fact.

"Watch the language up here boys." my mom's stern voice came from the hallway. Two seconds later, she was in my room, giving Jackson a disapproving look.

"Hey, I'm just stating a fact here mom. He is one." Jackson said.

"Who?" my mom asked with interest.

Jackson smirked in my direction and said. "Kylie Johnson."

My mom got a look of shock on her face as she comprehended his words. "Kylie? Oh my son has a crush!" she gushed as she came and hugged me. "You're both growing up so fast!"

"Mom!" I moaned as I pushed her off of me. "Cut it out."

"But sweetie, it's your first crush! Have you told Kylie?" she asked.

"No way!" I suddenly said. "I can't tell my best friend that I have a major crush on her! You want the universe to explode?!"

"A major crush?!" my mom asked out of shock. 'Oh crap.' I thought to myself. "My goodness Jason."

"He's practically fallen head over heels for her mom." Jackson said with a clearly amused smile on his face. I shot him a cold glare.

"Shut up!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at face, which he easily dodged.

"Is all of this true Jason?" my mom asked, with a delighted look on her face.

"Even if it was true, it wouldn't matter. She's already got a hunky boyfriend as it is." I said with an irritated tone of voice. The happy look on my mom's face suddenly faded and turned into one of sadness.

"Awe, I'm so sorry honey." she said, giving me yet another tight hug.

"But as I told you before, he is an asshole." Jackson said. "I even saw him pinning some freshman kid against the wall for something. Homework is my guess. He only acts nice when he's around Kylie."

That thought made me shake my head. "Well anyways, I am not going to think about Kylie right now. I'm all in for football tryouts tomorrow." I said.

"Football tryouts?!" Both Jackson and my mom said in unison.

"Yep." I said with a pop at the end.

"Well how about that." Jackson said, walking out of my room with a grin.

"Sweetie, are you sure about this? Football is" my mom said with an extremely concern look on her face.

"I know mom. I've been watching football my whole life practically. I'll be alright." I said, trying to calm her down about this.

"That's probably what Kurt Warner thought at first too, and look what happened to him!" she said with even more panic in her voice. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I will take care of myself out there mom. I get that it's a contact sport, but come on now. I am a lot tougher than you think I am." I said.

"I do not want to see my baby boy get hurt! I will not tolerate it one bit." she said with a determined tone of voice.

"Mom, it is not fair for me to miss out on something just because you don't want to see me perform it." I said. "I'm the one making this choice. I wanna have some fun in high school, and doing nothing but walloping in the despair of watching my long-time crush making out with some so called, 'asshole' in the hallways does not sound appealing." I said. "And another thing, the Kurt Warner thing should have never happened in the first place, number one, number two: I wasn't thinking of being the quarterback for the team."

"Then what were you thinking of becoming?" she asked, cocking her head curiously. However, at the same time, she did not look convinced about me playing.

"Wide receiver." I answered. My mom took a massive breath and paced the room back and forth about two times, before she stopped and sighed when looking into my direction. There are very few times when she had on a face as serious as the one she wore right then.

"Jason, if you get hurt out there, I'm gonna kill you." she said in a low voice.

I grinned at her response and hugged her again. "Thanks for the support mom." I said as I released her, and her serious face was replaced with a genuine smile.

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