Chapter 8

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'What in the literal hell?!' I thought to myself as I looked at Kylie's face. This cannot be happening!

I looked at the other wolves, and instantly recognized them as the rest of Kylie's family! 'Oh for the love of god!' I thought. The family that I have known just about my entire life are a bunch of shape shifters?!

I wouldn't dare to make any sound what-so-ever, but maybe if I could just slip by without them noticing me, I would be alright. God knows what may happen if they spot me. I slowly backed away from the clearing in crouch position, before going to stand up. They were still in my line of sight as I continued to slowly back away.

But remember that thing that I said about me not wanting to make any noise what-so-ever? Yeah, things don't always go the way you plan.

I managed to step on one small twig as I backed up. And the little bastard gave off a loud snap as I did, drawing the attention of the Johnson family.


"Jason?!" Kylie shouted. Clary, her twin sister, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Johnson instantly looked into my direction. All of them had shocked looks on their faces.

That was the cue for me. I turned and ran as fast as I possibly could out of the trees. Fortunately I remembered where the exit of the trees were and got out of the trees.

"Jason, wait!" I heard Kylie yell behind me. I was compelled to stop by that pulling sensation, but this time I was determined to ignore it, since it got me into this trouble.

It's evident that they were chasing me, but as I looked behind me, there was no one there. Within a few minutes, I was at my house and quickly locked the door shut. I took in a big breath and started to catch my breath.

"Jason? What's going on?" my dad asks from the living room couch. He closed his book, placed it onto the sofa, and came to my aid. "What happened?"

I hesitated to tell him. I doubted that he would believe me if I told him the truth. Hell, I'm still trying to believe it myself!

"I miles." I strained.

"Ah, I see." dad said, patting me on the back. "Don't worry son. It'll pass. If you want to, I'll get you some pepper spray for you to use the next time a dog attacks."

I just nodded my head and walked up the stairs to my room. I was absolutely still in shock at what I saw. The cogs in my head were turning about Kylie and her family.

Was my best friend a shape shifter or a werewolf this whole time? Are they murderers? Are they planning to kill me now that I know their secret? Were they planning to kill me long before-hand?

"Hey Jason!" I heard outside my room. "Kylie's here to see you." my dad continued. My blood ran cold the second her name registered into my mind. Now I gotta deal with her and her family's verdict about me. 'This is just awesome.' I thought to myself.

"Jason." came a soft and all too familiar voice. I slowly turned and saw Kylie standing at my bedroom door.She seemed very cautious and careful.

"Kylie......what was all.......are you......" I stammered, not even knowing what I was going to say. Kylie sighed and closed the door behind her softly, before turning to face me again. I backed away from her slowly and went to the other side of my bed out of instinct.

"Jason, we need to talk. And you don't need to be afraid of me." Kylie said with a serious, yet soft facial expression.

"You're not gonna eat me?" I asked. Kylie's eyes bugged out of her head.

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