Chapter 11

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Kylie POV

Slowly, but surely, I made my way home to my family. Once I was close enough, I phased into my human self and had my head down as I walked into the house.

In case you haven't guessed, I was still feeling heartbroken and full of remorse at the same time. My eyes were full of tears and the sobs were escaping my mouth automatically. My family instantly picked up on the sobbing noises and came to my immediate aid when I stepped into the house.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?!" my dad asked, hugging me. My mom and sister were on his heels with concerned looks on their faces.

"I..........I...........I....." I tried to speak, but I couldn't find the strength to speak, as the sobs eclipsed my words. They led me to the family room and sat me down, while I was still clinging onto my father. Then after a minute or so, I finally was able to speak clearly. "J-Jason was r-right." I admitted quietly through my sobs.

Looks of anger and sadness washed over my parents faces. However, they did not look surprised. It was obvious that they believed Jason, like I should have done.

'Oh Jason, I'm so sorry.' I thought to myself.

"It's alright, sis. That jerk doesn't deserve you anyways." Clary said, patting my back.

I sobbed a little more as I separated from my father and said to Clary, "I-I'm not s-sad about D-Derrick. I'm devastated about.......about......" I stuttered, still struggling with my words.

"You're sad about Jason." My mom finished for me. I nodded, as more tears ran down my cheeks.

"It'll be alright Kylie." My dad cooed as he hugged me again. "You can try and patch things up with Jason later. But right now, just calm yourself down."

But I had more important things to worry about than myself. I have a friendship to patch up, after my stupidity. And I am making it one of my top priorities to make Jason Wade forgive me.


Jason's POV

I awoke the next day, preparing myself for school, but then I nearly stopped myself. I couldn't see Kylie's face after what happened yesterday, and even though I told my mom I would try to move on (and I know it's only been a day), I just couldn't do that.

I love that girl too much, and it's why I am so hurt right now. The hurt is shown on both the inside and the outside. Hurt is actually an understatement. It's more like I hit rock-bottom on my life. I checked myself out in the mirror. Let's just be honest......I looked horrible. The dark bags under my red and puffy eyes proved that I was basically feeling like crap.

"Have a nice day sweetheart." my mom said, with a concerned look at me. "I hope you are feeling alright." she continued.

I forced a smile at my mom and headed out the door, with Jackson in tow. "Don't worry about her Jason. That girl is absolutely crazy for what she said to you." he said, expressing his rare protective side. "Breaking your heart like that for an asshole....well I say she will get what's coming to her in due time, then she'll come crawling back to you." he continued.

I just looked down and released a sigh as I continued to walk to the gates.

Not too long after we did reach the gates, I just leaned back against the wall of the school building. I was a little earlier than usual, so I figured that I would try to pass the time. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her. Kylie Johnson herself, walking towards the entrance of the school.

Judging by the way her head was down and the sway she had while she walked, I could easily tell she was depressed about something.

My natural instinct was to go and comfort her. But then I distinctly remember our last conversation, and I made sure I went out of site before she could see me. 'Since she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, and since she doesn't want to 'stoop' to my level, then I will not bother her anymore, despite how much it hurts.

I hid behind the pillar, while looking at her. She was passing right by where I was, when she suddenly stopped and tilted her head up. I was confused at first, until I saw her nostrils moving. I widened my eyes as realization stuck me. She must've caught my scent again.

I quickly went around the corner and into the building, before heading straight to the boys restroom, for as long as I could, before class starts.


Kylie's POV

Still depressed as ever, I set out towards the entrance of the school. Even with Clary at my side, the walk to school seemed so.....lonely.

At this time, I would be walking with Jason and we would be talking about whatever random crap that came to our minds. Now it's just so quiet without him.

Clary and I separated once we passed the entrance, and I sauntered my way up to the school building. Then I suddenly caught a whiff of something. 'Jason!' I thought as I looked around to see him. But there was no Jason in sight.

I knew he was here, his scent is so fresh. I take it that he must have seen me and walked away.........I can't say I really blame him.

I sighed and walked up to the entrances to the school building. I'll try to find him later and apologize.

I turned into the hallway that held our lockers, and there stood Derrick Rodgers, leaning causally against my locker and checking out something on his phone.

My sadness quickly turned to rage. 'How could I have fallen for this cheating piece of crap?' I thought to myself. I walked right up to him and soon he heard me coming.

He grinned, before he saw the scowl that I had on my face. "Babe, what's wrong?" he asked, turning towards me. I growled a little, at the word 'babe' and stopped a good foot and a half away from him.

"I know." I said to him. He either didn't seem to understand what I was talking about or he was playing dumb.

"You know what?" he asked.

"I know that you're cheating on me!" I shouted at him. Derrick suddenly went into shock at my words.

"W-What?! No I'm not!" he said. "Why would you think that?!"

"Why would I think that?!" I asked. "Hmm, let's see......oh wait, I know......maybe it's because I saw you making out with Amanda Willis yesterday at your house!" I spat.

"I-I.......I don;t know what you're talking about!" Derrick stuttered. I could easily tell that he was lying. "I'm not seeing any other girl besides you babe." he said, coming up to touch my shoulder. However, I slapped his hand away and stepped back.

"Bull crap!" I shouted. "Do you think I am an idiot?!"

He just shook his head no, and I continued, "Or do you think I'm gullible?! I know that you are dating Amanda Willis behind my back! How could you!? After all we've done together, our relationship was just part-time for you!" I shouted.

"He was dating Amanda Willis." said another voice from behind Derrick. We both looked that way and saw Amanda Willis in her cheer leading outfit, with tears in her eyes. "But not anymore." she finished, looking at Derrick with a look of hurt, before turning and walking away.

Derrick looked after her, and turned towards me again. "Look Kylie, I'm sorry." he tried to apologize, but I wouldn't have any of it.

"Don't even!  We are through!" I shouted to his face before I turned and walked away, leaving the asshole of an ex-boyfriend behind me.

The only thing that I wanted to do right then and there was find Jason and rekindle our friendship.

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