Chapter 12

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"How are you holding up?" Chase asked at lunch.

"I feel fine." I said, trying to force a smile. But even I could tell that it was a lousy attempt to do so. We were eating on the side of the cafeteria and away from our usual table because of some....personal issues going on with a certain someone that you all know of.

"Right." Chase said with a flat tone of voice.

I then started munching on my sandwich, all while looking around the area in utter silence. I was in no mood to talk about anything, and I'm glad that Chase was able to understand that, since all he did was just eat his lunch.

Before long, the school bell started to ring, and that was our cue to go to class. Right as we approached the classroom, I saw Kylie was heading our way. And then she saw us coming, and her pace quickened.

I pretended that I didn't see her and just entered into the classroom. Chase and I found our seats in our usual spots and got ready for the lecture.

"Hi." said a soft voice beside me. I didn't need to look to see who it was, and quite frankly, I didn't want to look at her, period. "Jason, please we need to........" she started, but I cut her off with a deep frown.

"I think we've done enough of that." I said in an angry tone. Kylie's face displayed a look of hurt, however she didn't seem surprised one bit. She opened her mouth again, but once again she was cut off. However, it was Chase who did it this time.

"Kylie, I think it's best if you just leave us alone. You've done enough damage here to Jason as it is." Chase said.

Kylie looked at Chase for a second, before her eyes darted back to me as she sat down next to me. "Jason, I -" she started again, but once again, I cut her off.

"You've said everything you needed to say to me yesterday Kylie! So just leave me alone!" I whispered angrily to her, to make sure no one else in the class heard us. "Why don't you just go to your make-out spot with the 'greatest guy in the world' and leave me be."

I then started to see the tears coming out of her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She sighed and turned towards the front of the class with her head down and her shoulders slumped.

And we didn't say another word to each other for the rest of the period. Then the end of class came and it was time to go home. I rushed out the door, following Chase, when Kylie came into our path, staring at us, or I should say me, with a hopeful look on her face.

Chase stopped, not knowing exactly what to do. I on the other hand, rolled my eyes and just stepped around her through the sea of people and continued onward. But then I got that pulling sensation once again, compelling me to turn around, but there was no way I was allowing it this time.

'Do not look back Jason. All you will receive is pain if you do.' I told myself and went to the gate, with tears in my eyes.

Minutes later, Chase and I separated and I was walking home. When suddenly, I felt a strong grip onto my forearm. I groaned, having a really good idea who it was. However when I looked back, I was met with Clary.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" she asked. I sighed and nodded. "I know that you're still very hurt and very angry about Kylie, and rightfully so. She went way over the line yesterday, and you did not deserve that kind of speech. But you know that Kylie is not a bitch. She broke up with Derrick earlier today and she feels really bad about what she said to you."

I just scoffed and said, "Let me guess, she saw that asshole make out with that cheerleader and saw what was really going on." Clary remained silent, confirming my theory. "That is the only reason why she is acting the way that she is. If she never saw him, she'd still be siding with him." I said.

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