First day

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Kalel's P.O.V

Great. First day of school, boarding school. I slowly sat up in my bed and yawned. "Kalel!" Shouted my mum "Kalel! Time for school! Your going to be late, they won't let you innn!" She shouted from the kitchen. Maybe I should be late, I don't wanna be let in. I don't want to go! Can't I just go to normal school? I thought as I got my clothes out of my chest of drawers and put on the radio loudly as I got dressed. After I was dressed I brushed my hair and put it up in a high messy bun before then doing my makeup. I know I'm only 12 but might as well make a good impression on the first day. I ate breakfast and got in the car ready for my mum to drive me to hell for a whole term. I can't believe she's actually doing this to me, She thinks I'm too 'clever' for a public school and I'm pretty sure she wants to get rid of me for abit to. She parked outside the gates and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "See you soon, love you!" She said to me as I got out the passenger seat "Love you too!" I replied getting my bags out the boot. I stood outside and watched her drive away. Great, now I'm stuck here.

Anthony's P.O.V

My mum had woken me up early for school a per usual and dropped me of earlier than most of the other kids, an hour early. I'm not sure if it because he want to get rid of me or she just doesn't want me to be late. I just sat in the corner on my gameboy playing Pokémon until the other kids arrived. The first to arrive was a bunch of older looking kids and then afew kids that looked like they could have been in my year. There was 3 of them one boy and two girls. The boy with the ugly bowl hair cut was holding hands with the blonde haired girl in the plain tshirt and distressed jeans and the other girl was in an oversized football jersey and leggings. The bowled haired boy looked over at me, then at my game boy an back at me again. "Omg! Is that the new Pokémon game?!" he asked excitedly running over to me. I nodded "Can I try?" He asked, I nodded and passed him the gameboy. He starred at the screen, you could tell he was really concentrating. "I'm Ian by the way" he said still staring at the screen. "Anthony" I replied, by now the two girls had left. Guess there not really that interested in Pokémon then.

Ian's P.O.V

This guy was pretty cool. He played Pokémon, seemed rather quiet though. "So did your parents make you come here too?" I asked not looking up from the game. "Yep, they came here so, I guess I had to to, and you?" He sighed.

"It's the closest to me, I couldn't get in anywhere else. So now I'm stuck in this posh dump" I replied passing him back his game. "Who where them girls you where with before?" He asked me curiously.

"Oh them, that was my girlfriend; Melanie and her friend Evelina" I replied "There attached at the hip" He laughed "Girlfriend? Your 12!"

"She asked me, I couldn't really say no, there was a big crowd and everything. It won't last long" He smirked slightly "That happened to me once, but I just said no!" He laughed a little. "Oh there goes the bell! We better get to the hall" I said getting up. He followed me and we sprinted for the hall.

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