New friend

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Anthony's P.O.V

As I was unpacking my stuff I noticed Ian and I had a lot of the same interests (Mario, Pokémon and Nintendo) Joey; not as much, he seemed more into minecraft and fashion? Once we where done un-packing we headed to our first class; math. We where lucky though as we had maths and English everyday and then our other 3 lessons where of our choice depending on what we wanted to do when we left here. I had Drama, Art and Technology. We made our way into the math classroom to find a strict looking teacher and about 10 kids stood against the wall. "All go and stand by the wall and I will show you the seating plan" She said sternly, I groaned and slumped against the wall Ian by my side. Then in came Melanie and Evelina, they came over to me and Ian one on each side. Once everyone was in miss read out the seating plan. "I will read from the front, left to right when I call your name sit down in your seat" She began "Joey, Felix, Evelina, Marzia, Melanie, Ian, Toby, Jack, Elizabeth, Cathy, Anthony and Kalel" She finished. I slumped down into my seat at the back of the classroom, I was on a row of two so it was just me and some other girl, I can't remember her name. Through the whole of the lesson all I could see was Melanie constantly putting her hand on top of Ian's, I hardly new her but god she was annoying!

Kalel's P.O.V

I was sitting at the back of the class with a guy called Anthony, he seemed alright. I guess I may as well get to know him as math is boring as it is so having someone to talk to all the way through it will help. "Hi" I whispered, he turned his head and smiled "Hey" he whispered back "So what do you think about math?" He asked me. "It sucks ass" I laughed, the teacher glared at us and we both tried our hardest to keep a straight face. When she turned back around we bust out laughing (silently). "This looks like great fun!" I squealed sarcastically as the teacher told us we where going to be doing a test so they can find the cleverest pupils in the school to participate in some dodgy contest they do at the end of the year. She walked round and threw the tests down on each desk. Anthony was staring out the window so when his test was thrown on the table he jumped, I laughed before getting another glare off miss. "You may begin in 3..2...1" we've started, I opened the first page I didn't understand a thing! It didn't look like anyone else did either.

Ian's P.O.V

The test was finally done! I made my way out of class to go back to my dorm when I was stopped by Melanie. "Haiiiii" She said in her annoying baby voice, I groaned to myself "Hey" I said in a dull tone, trying to walk away, she followed. "What do you want?" I asked slightly annoyed. "You coming out?" she asked pointing to the door that lead to the field. I shook my head and went into the dorm. God I need to dump her.

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