No One's Side

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"Great!" Dean exclaimed clapping his hands together standing up, "All we gotta do is find 'ol Lucifer, kick his ass back in the cage, and go our separate ways." He chuckled, nervously glancing at Alyssa who kept a straight face.

"Let's make something clear first," she said softly taking a couple steps towards Dean. Grabbing his collar roughly she slammed him into the bookshelf. Sam, Cass, and Jack leapt to their feet. Sam pulled his gun on Alyssa who laughed softly. "Aw sweetie, I doubt that'll work" Alyssa then grabbed Dean's throat and waved her hand to toss the other three against the walls, holding them there.

"I'm not on your side, I could care less about you humans and I certainly don't fancy that you have a winged rat with you. The only reason I haven't snapped your necks and bathed in your blood is that little Nephilim over there. I may be strong but Lucifer is a great strategist, if you want to beat him you're going to need me and the Nephilim. Or you will lose." Alyssa growled softly in Dean's ear.

"And afterwards? With no archangels in my way, don't think I will just walk away without taking a little personal revenge for myself" she looked over at Castiel, the corners of her lips curling into a deranged smile. She turned back to Dean, tightening her grip, "Get in my way and, well, I think you get the picture." Dean took a deep breath and whipped out the Demon Knife that was tucked away on his belt. 

The tip sliced open Alyssa's lip, who hissed and releasing him, along with the others, reeled backwards. Dean ran to the other side of the room, joining his brother, Cass, and Jack. Alyssa slowly turned around, her lip sparking with yellow sporadically.

She glared at them, her eyes flicking black for a moment before returning to their washed out, deadened state. All four boys stiffened for a second before Sam uncocked his gun.

"We know how to deal with your kind, so make all the threats you want" Sam said with his jaw clenched, glaring at Alyssa. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo" She sneered rubbing her top lip that had just healed. "But first thing's first, we need to prepare for a fight with Lucifer" Alyssa walked over to a chair and plopped down in it. 

Sam turned towards Cass, "keep an eye on her, we're going down to the archives to find anything we can on.... Anzillu's" he said in a lowered voice. Cass nodded and he and Jack starting to pull books from the shelves. Sam and Dean left quietly and made their way downstairs. 

"What did we just get ourselves into? Now we have two Satan spawns, in the same place!" Dead exclaimed in a hushed tone. Sam sighed, opening the door to the archives,

"I-I don't know, but we have to play along for now, she may be weak to many things but she flicked Jack like a fly! They say that the spawn of an angel or demon will become just as powerful, if not more than they celestial parent. How much power do you think Alyssa has? She's not human! Not one atom in her body is-"

"Ok lets stop talking before it hears us" Dean said taking a quick glance behind him before scouring the well-worn books on the shelf. "The more we know about her species the better-"

"What do you want to know?" A cold, feminine voice makes the brothers freeze in place. "You won't find anything about my kind in those books I assure you."

Both boys turned around slowly to face her, Dean reaching for the Demon Knife again.

"That won't be necessary, I need you two pigs to find Lucifer for me. But I doubt any work will get done around here until you two aren't so trigger happy around me." Alyssa made her way to the back, moving the bookcases to reveal the dungeon behind them. She carefully walked around the Devil's Trap on the ground until she got to the back wall. Facing both brothers she stepped into the Trap. "So, ask away." Her gaze softened a bit as she sat down in the lone chair, crossing her legs in front of her.

Sam and Dean looked surprised at each other before Sam took a step towards the dungeon.

"Uh- well. Um- heh" he stammered trying to figure out what to ask first. "Why- Why aren't you in any book? Not even the Bible?"

"Well, technically I am in the Bible, but everyone thought I was Lucifer, however I guess they forgot that he was stuck in the cage." Alyssa said thoughtfully, brushing a hair from her face.

"So, every mention of the Devil in the Old Testament is actually you?" Sam questioned taking another couple steps towards her, intrigued. 

"Almost, except Genesis and the prophecy parts."

Dean scoffed, "Don't they know Lucifer is a guy? I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure you're not a guy" he chuckled, looking at Sam who didn't crack a smile. Dean quickly looked down at his feet, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, lets just say that this isn't my natural form. The true form of an Anzillu is said to strike unimaginable fear into anyone who is near one, so, naturally I decided on something a little more-- Human, to present myself in."

"Alright, if Anzillu's are so terrible, how have you survived this long? Shouldn't God have struck you down by now?" Sam commented. Alyssa fixed him in her stare and grinned, 

"God spent a lot of time creating this world, but it's not the only one out there, and not the only universe. He couldn't tend to his squabbling sheep and search for me at the same time, so he gave up on killing me and focused his attention on- humans" Alyssa said the last word in disgust. "However, now that He and the Darkness are on sabbatical, I can come and go as I please. Not that there is anything here for me anyways."

"Obviously there is since you decided to show yourself. What's your beef with Lucifer anyways? Daddy issues? Get in line sweetheart." Dean scowled coming to stand next to Sam. Alyssa glared at them but kept her mouth shut. "oh come on, you blab all this crap to us and don't share your motives? That's some bulls-"

"Because they decided my fate before I could prove myself! They all did!" Alyssa screamed, getting to her feet. "Because every living thing in existence has determined that I am a plague to life, all because daddy is the Devil and mommy was a Demon. Every Angel, Demon, monster, and human I have come into contact with has tried to kill me. Some almost succeeded, I'm the common enemy even though I only killed to protect myself. But if all you wretched beings are going to do is see me as a monster, then you'll get a monster" Alyssa stalked towards the brothers, her eyes flicking black. 

Sam and Dean took a step back, watching her approach the edge of the Devil's Trap. Alyssa stepped right over the line without blinking. She got so close to them she could practically hear their hearts thumping in their chests.

"I tried explaining to them that I wasn't dangerous, but they wouldn't listen. So I'm done explaining, run and hide or die. Those are the options. I have a chance now to destroy Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and maybe this little pebble you humans love so much. I have waited millions of millennia for this opportunity, I'll kill Lucifer or live long enough so there's nothing left for him to rule." She snarled, a ring of bright blue appeared in her eyes where her iris would be, giving an eerie glow like Cass's. 

  "I'm not on your side, so don't expect me to take any bullets for you" Alyssa growled lowly then vanished from their sight in a blink of an eye. Sam and Dean looked at each other and let out the breath they didn't know they were holding. 

"Great, now what?" Dean stated while he and Sam exchanged a worried glance between them.

Abomination(Supernatural AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon