Angel on my Shoulder

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"Mortem, you dare show your ugly face? How foolish" a demon stepped foreword to stand next to an angel. "Yet not foolish enough to trust her, Castiel, you know what she's done. You know what she can do" he growled craning his neck to stare down Castiel. He then shifted his gaze to Sam and Dean, "you think demons and angels are a problem? This.... monster is more of a problem than we will ever be!"

Alyssa tensed her shoulders, glaring at them. Sam glanced at Dean, the two exchanging a soulful look. They knew they were gambling a steep game by working with Alyssa but she was their best bet on beating Lucifer.

Alyssa had a chill run up her spine as a tiny gust of wind made her hair twitch. She whipped around to see red glowing eyes an inch away from her face. She teleported near Castiel just as Lucifer swung an angel blade where her throat was.

Lucifer turned to face them, cracking a deranged grin on his face. "Fancy meeting you here Mortem, what are you doing around my son" he jeered.

She chuckled, "What? Can't have a little sibling bonding time?" Lucifer narrowed his eyes, tightening his grip on the angel blade.

"Shut up you bitch" he rumbled, his face hardening into a frown. In a blink of an eye he was gone, Alyssa checked behind her but Lucifer wasn't there.

"Aaaaaahhh!!" Everyone's focus went to Jack as they witnessed Lucifer plunge an angel blade through his heart.

"No!!" Sam and Dean yelled together, rushing at Lucifer. He had already disappeared when Sam caught Jack as he crumpled to the ground. The beautiful, warm, golden light leaving his eyes. Alyssa turned back towards the angels and demons, Lucifer stood at their head.

"What a waste of power" she said gently, Lucifer snorted at her

"I have plenty of power already" he smirked, his eyes glowing bright for a moment. "You've been walking this Earth too long, I think it's time I take out the trash" he snarled. Again he vanished, Alyssa felt the cold metal of an angel blade cutting through her neck into her skull.

"Stupid little girl, you should've listened to Daddy when you had the chance" he whispered in her ear, twisting the angel blade slowly. Sam stared in horror as he held Jack's lifeless body. Castiel was frozen in place next to Dean, watching the blood trickle down Alyssa's neck.

Alyssa started to chuckle softly, progressively getting louder. Lucifer's triumphant gleam quickly faded into confusion and fear. He stepped away from her ripping out the Angel Blade.

"Hahaha— AHAHAHAHAHAHA" her throaty chuckle gave way into a fit of chaotic cackling. Alyssa's face contorted in strange ways as her body bent and twisted as she saw fear creep into Lucifer's expression.

"You think in all the millennia I've been alive I wouldn't have found a loophole to your little angel blades?! Idiot!!" She spat at her father clenching her hands into fists, tensing all the muscles in her body.

"Impossible-" Lucifer breathed, quickly regaining his composure. He then turned his attention to Sam and Dean, "Have you stopped so low to work with this? She's just going to use you until you're not useful anymore. Since when did you boys get so dense?!"

Sam and Dean glanced at each other but before either of them could say anything Castiel swooped in and teleported them away, back to the bunker.

"Jack!" Dean exclaimed, scrambling towards Sam who was holding him. Sam hung his head when he felt no pulse in Jack's body.

"Even if he had his Grace he-" Sam's voice trailed off softly. Dean turned to look at Castiel,

"I thought you said that Anzillu had both the weaknesses of Angels and Demons? Angel Blades kill both" he declared.

"I don't understand, she should be dead, there is no reason that she should be alive" he said lowly.

"Well what a fabulous observation you made there Cass" a familiar voice made the boys jump into action.

They jumped up, drawing their weapons and fixing Lucifer in their sights.

"How in the hell did you get in here?" Dean said tersely. Lucifer shrugged nonchalantly,

"I have my ways" he said suggestively. "Anywho, you three got yourselves in a little pickle here dontcha?"

Dean watched Lucifer's movements very closely, ready to jump into action at any moment.

"Oh please. Don't get your panties in a wad, I'm here to talk" Lucifer paused and leaned against a chair. "You somehow got dumber. Working with Mortem? Real smart" he sneered at them, placing his hands on his hips.

Sam scoffed at Lucifer, "right, because we're jut supposed to roll over and bow down to you?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind that. However my daughter is more cunning than I remember so I, humbly, request your assistance" he said half heartedly. "And when the bitch is dead, we can go back to fighting each other like the good old days. What do ya say?" Lucifer cracked a smile, which didn't comfort Sam it Dean in the slightest.

"What's in it for us?" Sam asked, Cass whipped his head around towards Sam.

"You can't honestly be thinking of working with Lucifer" he rumbled sternly. 

Lucifer clutched his chest with his hand dramatically,

"Oh, dear brother, your words hurt. I come here with pure intentions. Yet of course due diligence must be paid. What would you like?" He questioned, his eyes sparkling.

Sam looked down at his hands that were still holding Jack.

"Bring him back" Sam growled softly. Lucifer raised his eyebrow,

"Really? Okay I thought you were going to be a bit more creative than that but whatever" Lucifer sighed and snapped his fingers.

Several seconds went by, the tension in the air rose exponentially as Dean, Cass, and Sam had their undivided attention on Jack. Finally the young man sat up quickly and gasped air into his lungs spastically.

"There now can we get to work?" Lucifer said slightly annoyed, crossing his arms.

Dean glanced at him from over his shoulder,

"What's your problem with her? She's your first born-" Dean was cut off by Lucifer quickly.

"Just because you're a first born doesn't automatically make you the favorite child. You should know that better than anyone Dean" he said tensely, clenching his jaw. Dean held Lucifer's glare for a moment before looking away at his feet. 

"Fine. How do we kill her?" He asked curtly. Lucifer smiles widely,

"That's the fun part I guess"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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