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Jack, Cass, and Dean we're sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when Sam barged in, hair tousled from sleeping on it.

"Turn on the news" he said slightly out of breath. Dean raised an eyebrow at him but did as he was told. The TV flicked on and a ghastly sight was portrayed in front of them. On the screen the words 'Disaster kills millions' was on the top of the screen.

"What the -?" Dean murmured standing up.

"This has been the worst disaster in modern history. Last night the Gulf area was demolished by the largest recorded tsunami in history. It is known that over 200,000 people have died and it's projected that over two million people are unaccounted for." The reporter said in a monotone as videos of a 200 foot wave crashing into the coast. Alabama was half under water and New Orleans was a fish bowl.

All four stood in awe, staring blankly at the television. Alyssa walked by the doorway and saw them she paused and looked in.

"Uh, you guys okay?"

Dean whipped his head around to Alyssa,

"You.. You! What did you do!" He roared, going over to her and throwing her into the wall. "You did this! Yesterday you wiped out a room full of demons without blinking an eye and now you kill millions of people today?! Why? Thought you were on our side!" He screamed in her face, pressing her firmly against the wall.

She gritted her teeth, "I am on your side. I didn't do this. It's Lucifer and his posse"

"Hah, and I should believe you why?" He slammed her head into the wall again. Sam tensed, last time Dean provoked her it didn't end well for him.

"D-Dean, calm down" Sam said cautiously.

"Why would I want to kill people? Huh? What's my motive for that, not like I could conjure up a tsunami that size in the middle of Hurricane season. Like I said, I didn't do this." Alyssa said in a calm tone, staring directly at Dean.

He held her stare for a few moments before releasing her. He clenched his jaw, his eyes not meeting hers,

"Fine, then who did? Lucifer?" Alyssa shrugged,

"I mean, who else? He wants our attention and he got it. Only took one little genocide" her voice trailed off.

"Now we really have to find Lucifer and stop him, before he wipes the United States off the map." Sam declared, worry in his voice.

Castiel suddenly reeled backwards, grabbing his head,

"Camden, Arkansas. The angels, they're....... they're fighting" he gasped out, taking his hands off of his head.

"Fighting what?" Sam inquired, cocking his head in confusion. Alyssa took a couple steps towards them,

"Then let's find out" she chuckled softly. Jack glanced between Alyssa and Castiel before staring at his feet.

Castiel took them to Camden, when they arrived immediately something was wrong. The town was silent, only the sound of the wind and birds filled the air. All five exchanged confused looks before heading further into town.

"I thought angels were here, fighting" Jack said dryly. Castiel paused, turning to examine every direction.

"I don't- understand" he said slowly.

"Guys, come check this out" Sam said with a grave tone. He was looking inside the window of a car inside was a family, dead, their throats ripped out and tongues cut out.

"Ugh, fabulous" Dean grumbled, the corners of his mouth turning down in disgust. As the group continued further in town they saw every member of the community was dead, all identical. The entire town was vacant of a living soul.

"What's going on here?" As soon as Dean finished his sentence they were bombarded by an angel crashing into the ground. It was followed by an entire fleet that was engaged in combat with a hoard of demons. "What the-"

"Get down!!" Cass exclaimed pulling Sam and Dean backwards just as a demon crashed into the ground right in front of them. Above them the fighting angels and demons paid no attention to the humans, Nephilim, and Anzillu on the ground.

"Well, at least we're pretty sure that Lucifer is here" Alyssa said in a condescending tone. She was hit from behind by an angel who stumbled backwards. He looked up at Alyssa,

"Y-y-y-y- you! You're.... MONSTER" the angel howled. Alyssa frowned and snapped her fingers, disintegrating the angel. Not before he alerted the others in the area. All of their eyes were trained on Alyssa, black and blue alike. The angels and demons stood together in a pack, facing the small rag tag group of misfits.

"Ha, well... Uh, nice to see you all again, been a few thousand years eh? Man, how time flies"Alyssa chuckled, scanning the crowd, all of their faces held the same expression, abhor. Alyssa cleared her throat as she took a tiny step back.

"You rear your ugly head again? Abomination.. You'll regret that, you too" An angel with a smooth, deep voice boomed leaning over to fix his blank gaze on Jack, Sam, Dean, and Castiel. "Teaming up with... this? Not your brightest idea, and housing the Nephilim of Lucifer? Double bad." The angel returned its gaze to Alyssa.

"Quit looking at me like that!" Alyssa snarled, clenching her hands into fists. Anger and hatred boiled up inside of her, "stop looking at me like some dirty whore!!" She shrieked, a pressure wave coming off of her. Neither the angels nor demons moved an inch.

Sam gripped the shotgun in his hands so tightly his knuckles were white. A second ago the angels and demons were fighting each other and with one look at Alyssa they stand together, united, against her. Alyssa may be powerful but they were faced with over 100 angels and demons. No way they were walking out of this alive.

Abomination(Supernatural AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora