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"The Flagship Hotel, abandoned after the Great Galveston Hurricane in 1900. That's where they are."  Sam reported as all five were staring through the bushes. Three men stood outside the entrance to the old hotel. It was perched on a pier off the coast of Texas.

"They're demons alright, who knows how many there are inside." Cass said roughly,

"We've gotta find out why they're here, they might know where Lucifer is." Sam said in a hushed tone. He stood and took out an Angel Blade, Dean had the Demon Blade, and Cass took out his own Angel Blade. "Ready?" Sam asked, glancing at Jack who nodded in response.

"Ugh, lets just go you pansies" Alyssa groaned brushing roughly past Castiel. All five strutted towards the entrance, the three demons outside pulled out knives and rushed them. Alyssa stopped and let the four guys go in front of her. Sam, Dean, and Castiel all dispatched the demons with ease.

"Not gonna help?" Dean growled to Alyssa, wiping the blood off his knife. She smirked at him,

"Nah, I think you boys have it covered."

The group continued inside, oddly enough there wasn't a demon in sight. They continued up to the fourth floor where there was a large conference room. There was nothing inside, just some rotted out wooden tables and rusted chairs.

"This doesn't feel righ-" Cass was cut off by three demons landing on him. Five more emerged from a closet on the far side. Jack's eyes glowed a warm golden light right as he was thrown into the wall. He slumped to the ground, unconscious.

"Sam!" Dean yelled as more demons flooded the room from behind them. No matter how hard they swung, more and more demons kept coming for them. They broke through the windows, scores of them. They separated Sam, Dean, Cass, and Alyssa.

"Cass!" Sam screeched while wildly swinging his Angel Blade to no avail. Black eyes filled their vision. No matter how hard they fought more demons kept attacking. They seized Sam and Dean and cornered Castiel. Two of them grabbed Alyssa's long reddish brown hair and brought her to her knees.

"Well, Winchester's have a feathered pet and a hot babe? Movin' up in the world" a distorted voice snarled in Dean's face. "Kill them" he barked. Dean's heart rate skyrocketed as he saw all the black eyed demons grin widely. He felt the cold, bloody metal of an Angel Blade.

"Alyssa get us out!" He yelled desperately.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you sure about that?" She murmured softly, the fear in his eyes told her everything. She swallowed hard, glancing between Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Jack.

"Whatcha gonna do to me little lady? Fry my eyes out?" The demon threatening Dean sneered at Alyssa. She barred her teeth at him, her eyes flicking black. Her iris' glowed an angelic blue. A delighted chuckle came from deep in her throat as her canines grew three times their original size.

A wave came off of her, the whole room became eerily quiet. Everyone fell silent, not even a breath was uttered.


This monsterous voice came from Alyssa, it struck the fear of God in everyone in the room. The demon released Dean but all he could do was kneel petrified in fear. Everyone's eyes were trained on Alyssa, all of them, every last demon, was frozen in place. Fear sparkled in their soulless eyes like sunlight off of water.

"Out!!" Alyssa repeated herself more forcefully. Every demon vanished in a blink of an eye, leaving the boys and Alyssa to be the only ones in the room. Sam, Dean, and Cass stayed petrified on the ground. Sam was curled up hiding his face like a little kid who was scared of the 'monster' in their closet. Cass was holding his breath, backed into a corner, and Dean could only stare at her, his whole body shaking.

Alyssa took a deep breath and calmed herself down, her canines returning to their original size and her eyes flicked back to their original color. She turned to face them, Sam picked his head up from underneath his arms and Cass quickly got to his feet. She had a solemn look in her eyes as they met Dean's.

"Be careful what you ask for" she whispered, helping him to his feet. Jack groaned as he came to, he jumped to his feet looking around quickly for demons. Sam slowly rose to his feet, not taking his eyes off of Alyssa.

He opened his mouth but no words came out.

"Where are they?" Jack asked, flicking his gaze between Cass and Dean. Neither responded to him, they just stood in shock staring at each other. "Wha-What happened?" Jack stammered brushing off his shoulder.

"They're gone, that's all that matters. Let's get moving before they alert Lucifer and he comes knocking." Alyssa warned, shoving Castiel towards the door. "Let's go!" She barked, Cass jumped and placed his hands on Sam and Dean. All five teleported back to the bunker.

Not a second later Dean pulled out his pistol and emptied the clip into Alyssa. She looked down, watching the shells fall out of her body as it regenerated itself. "Hm, not sure how you thought that one woul-"

"Shut the hell up!" Dean bellowed, "you're going to tell us what the fuck that was and who the fuck you are!"

"I already told you that already Dean"

"No, you never mentioned the soul shattering fear part! Start explaining or I will filet you with an Angel Blade!" He screamed, loud enough for his voice to echo.

"You got a glimpse of my true form, I lock it away because, well. It's a little unnerving to most, as you just witnessed."she retorted back to him. "Careful what you wish for Dean. I'm not a benevolent angel like 'ol Cassie here." Alyssa smiled sarcastically at him. "I'm here to kill Lucifer, and I can do it with or without you. However, you boys are pretty good at tracking so it makes my life easier. Any collateral damage that comes from this isn't my problem. That's a human problem, and, as I think we have thoroughly established.... I am no human."

Dean glanced to Sam who was standing near Jack. Both their faces held the same anxious expression, exchanging a thousand words in only a second. Dean returned his gaze to Alyssa, nothing had ever scared him like that. A pure terror that could not be fought, could not stopped. This..... thing was the embodiment of terror itself, more than any monster or demon he had encountered.

"Uhh, at least we-we got Lucifer's attention. Shoul-should be easier to find him" Jack added quietly, trying to brighten the mood.

"Perfect, back to your knitting everyone!" Alyssa exclaimed trotting up the stairs out of the bunker. She paused at the top and motioned to them to get moving before disappearing out the door.

"Why do I get the feeling that we are so screwed?" Sam rumbled, his eyes turning to his feet.

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