"Hanging" with Aaron pt1

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|~Y/n P.O.V.~|

"Do you guys want to have a sleepover at one of you guys house because mine is a mess?' I said giggling. "Yeah how about at Lucinda's house she has a huge basement and it has like a carpet so it will be better than the concrete."Aph said. "That ok with you Lucinda?" I asked. "Yeah I guess how about tomorrow." Lucinda said. "That's fine with me." I said. Everyone said yes or just nodded. "Ok so it's settled tommorow at like 2 we will meet at Lucinda's house." Aph said.

|~Next day after you unpack~|

|~Y/n P.O.V.~|

I wake up and it's 10:30. "Oh shoot I slept in bad y/n." I scolded myself. I should get changed. pic above. And put some white shoes and packed my stuff for the sleepover. I packed PJs, extra clothes, tooth brush, and my phone and charger. When I was done I grabbed my keys and left and locked my door to go to the store. On the way to the store I saw Aaron walking out of his house I jogged over to him. "Hey Aaron on the way to Lucinda's house for the sleepover? I asked.

|~Aaron's P.O.V.~|

"Hey Aaron on the way to Lucinda's house for the sleepover?" Y/n asked "Not yet I was going to the store." I said. "Really?! Same! I was going to get snacks for the sleepover." Y/n said. " Cool want to go together I can give you a ride?" "Yes please I would have no idea where to go." Y/n said. I saw a flash of relief on her face.

To be continued

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