Sleepover pt 2

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Heyo sorry i haven't updated in awhile to whom ever is reading this, school sucks and homework and thinks like that so this one is a bit longer I think that usual so uh yeah let's just get into this😘❤️!

|~Y/n P.O.V~|

"T of D uh... Travis?" I said thinking of who to ask for a few seconds. "Dare!" He said confidently smirking at me. I being the little devil on the inside I am smirked back. Everybody was a little bit taken back by that action, but went with it. "I dare you to let Katelyn be the "Queen" she is and you be the "servant" I said doing air quotes around Queen and servant still talking, "but you cannot do anything to harm him in any way at all, okay?" I asked / demanded. "Okay sounds fair." Kaitlyn said not of your head. I look over at Travis and he looks a bit scared, but is smirking at the same time. I giggle looking at him. "Okay Travis your turn." I side giggling again. After a while it was time for Kawaii~Chan to ask someone truth or dare. She asks Aaron. "Truth or dare Aaron~kun kun??" Kawaii~Chan asks giggling.

|~Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V~|

HEHEHE I talked to Lucinda she made me a potion that will make Aaron say yes to my dare. Let's just hope he says dare. My ship will sail! I also made a sleeping potion for ??? Hee-hee! My ship!

|~Y/N's P.O.V.~|

"T or d Aaron~Kun?" Kawaii Chan asked giggling. "Wait what's that?" She said pointing the opposite way we are facing. We heard two crashes of a bottle, but Kawaii~Chan didn't hear anything and she has cat ears so probably nothing. She then asked the T or D question again. "Uhh dare." Aaron said. "I dare you and y/n to sleep next to each other tonight." She said. I started to get really sleepy and forgot who was next to me and just went to sleep on their shoulder.

|~Aaron's P.O.V.~|

Y/n started to fall asleep on my sholder. K didn't care so I just scooted us back so she wouldn't fall backwards and wake up. I put my head on her head and fell asleep.

|~Y/N's P.O.V.~|

I woke up and it was pitch black outside I was laying down with someone next to me. I looked and it was Aaron hugging me and his head in the crook of my neck. I didn't care I went back to sleep.

|~Time Skip~|

|~Aaron's P.O.V.~|

I woke up and we were laying down next the couch that I was leaning on. I look at Y/n and she is shivering I sit up bearly hehe 🐻 bear enough to get my hoodie off and put it on her. After I do I lay back down and pull her close and put my head back in the crook of he neck. I fall asleep not even 10 seconds after she stopped shivering. Too cute for this world.

512 words

To be continued

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