"Hanging" with Aaron pt 2

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|~Aaron's P O.V.~|

After we got to the store and got everything. While we were at the store we got to know each other more because I was late I didn't get to talk to her much. She was really nice and sweet. She also liked Once upon a Time and was as tall as Aph which was really cute. We got what we needed we headed to my house because I was going to cook some cookies and Y/n wanted to help and I couldn't say no. When we got to my house I lead her to the kitchen. She got all the ingredients and I got the bowls and stuff.

|~Time Skip~|

|~Y/n P.O.V.~|

After we made the cookies I had flour all over me. I said I was going to go change and I would come back and we would leave.to go to Lucinda's because it was already 1:30 and we had to be there at 2.

|~Time Skip~|

|~Y/n P.O.V.~|

I went to get my stuff and get changed after my quick shower pic above.

It was short but what ever I am the author I can do what I want when I want

To be continued

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